How to plant horseradish in the fall?

There is no better seasoning for Russian cuisine than an acute and burning fuck. But it should be noted that only the most ardent admirers of the site are allowed to acquire this root crop. The fact that horseradish is quite aggressive, not wanting to leave the chosen place and take it off the garden is much more problematic than there to plant. If you are firm in your determination to plant horseradish, look for advice on how to do it right in the fall, in our article.

Where is better to plant horseradish?

The quality of horseradish by 99.9% depends on the quality of the soil in the area where it is grown. The best is horseradish on fertile areas, for example, chernozems or drained peat bogs. And clayey or stony areas are absolutely not suitable for the cultivation of this root crop. On such soils horseradish will grow small, woody and very bitter. In any case, before planting horseradish, the soil on the site needs to be enriched by adding mineral fertilizers to it and digging it properly.

The site for horseradish should be allocated small, growing on 1m & sup2 beds of 5-6 plants. To horseradish does not fill the whole garden, beds under it can be separated by slate, unnecessary iron sheets or other convenient way.

How to plant a horseradish root?

Often, inexperienced farmers are asked how to properly plant horseradish - seeds or roots? The answer to it is due to the peculiarities of this plant. The fact is that most of its species do not form seeds in principle, and if they are formed, they do not allow growing a full-fledged crop. Therefore, planting horseradish can and should only be rooted.

You can plant a horseradish root in both spring and autumn. In any case, for planting should be selected only healthy fruits, without rot and other visible damage. They are separated from them by the lateral processes - root cuttings, 15-30 cm long each. The most important point when planting a horseradish shank is not to mix up its upper and lower part. In order to facilitate this task, The lower part is usually cut oblique, and the upper one straight.

Before planting the roots should be wiped with burlap or rough cloth to remove all excess kidneys, leaving only a few pieces near each of the slices. This will allow to grow even large fruits without lateral branches.

Plant horseradish cuttings in well-loosened soil, making small pockets in it with pegs. The depth of each hole should be more than the length of the spine by 4-6 cm. In the hole prepared in this manner, insert the horseshoe stalk with an oblique cut downward. Then the pits are sprinkled with a thin layer of loose soil and watered gently.