Shish kebab from the liver

And do you know that a shish kebab can be cooked not only from fish or meat, but also from the liver. If you fry it correctly, then the dish is very delicious, original, tender and juicy. Let's consider with you recipes shish kebab from the liver.

Shish kebab from chicken liver



So, first we will make black tea : pour the right amount of tea leaves with two glasses of steep boiling water and leave to be infused. The liver is cleaned from the film, washed and cut into small pieces of the same size. Next, put them in a deep dish, add salt, zir, pepper and coriander. Fill all the cooled tea leaves and leave to marinate for about an hour. Then string the pieces of liver on bamboo sticks and send the liver to the grill. After 10-15 minutes our dish is completely ready. To such shish kebabs it is best to serve fresh vegetables or mushrooms, also cooked on the grill.

Skewers of pork liver



Liver is washed, processed, dried with a towel, carefully remove all the film and using a sharp knife, cut into small portions of small portions weighing about 15-20 g. Salo shred slices and put them aside. Next, we string in three variations, at your discretion:

Fry the dish on the coals as a regular shish kebab, periodically pouring it with a saline solution. To do this, dissolve 100 g of salt in 1 liter of warm boiled water and mix well. On the dish we lay out first a thin lavash, and on top of it - a ready hot shish kebab. As a side dish, the onions are finely chopped with half-rings, marinated in advance in vinegar with the addition of a pinch of sugar and sprinkled with oil. You can also serve any baked vegetables, and fresh herbs.

Shish kebab from beef liver



Let's figure out how to make shish kebab from the liver. So, fat or internal fat grids we cut into shreds. Fresh liver is washed, dried with a towel and shinkuem on small longitudinal pieces, corresponding to the size of slices of fat. Then gently wrap the liver in shreds of netting and add to a deep bowl. Add salt, pepper, chopped onion, mix everything and pour in milk. Marinate the liver in the refrigerator for 2.5-4 hours, and then string on the skewers and cook on charcoal for about 15 minutes. Ready shish kebab from the liver with lard served on the table slightly cooled with fresh vegetables.

Shish kebab from the liver in the oven



Chicken liver sorted, film, washed, dried and put on skewers, alternating with small apple slices. Then abundantly grease the liver with creamy butter and bake shish kebab in a hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees, periodically, turning over. Finished shish kebab podsalivaem to taste and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. We serve a dish with fresh herbs and vegetables.