Gluten-free products

Dairy-free and gluten-free diets were previously intended solely as a therapeutic food, and today they are used for weight loss.

Gluten is a natural protein that is a part of cereals, for example, wheat, oats, barley, etc. In addition, gluten is added to bakery products, sauces, yogurts and ice cream. Such a protein can damage the villi in the small intestine, which are necessary for the progress and assimilation of food.

Gluten-free products

Despite the large list of banned foods, the diet will not be meager. You can include in your daily menu such products:

In addition, today you can find on sale also flour, pasta, breakfast cereals without gluten.

Gluten-free diet for weight loss

This technique has several advantages over other options:

  1. If you follow all the rules of this food system, then in a week you can get rid of 3 extra pounds.
  2. It is possible to purify the body of toxins and old products of decay.
  3. Due to a varied diet, the risk of dropping the diet early is reduced.
  4. Even such nutrition favorably affects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Of the allowed foods in a gluten-free diet, you can cook many different dishes. Daily need to eat at least 4 times, and, the last meal should be no later than 6 pm. In this diet there is no specific diet, you can combine the products at your discretion.

Possible menu:

  1. For breakfast, you can prepare various desserts from cottage cheese with berries, fruits and honey. In addition, you can prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour, as well as sour cream and sour cream.
  2. For lunch, you can eat pilaf with meat or mushrooms, rice with various meat dishes, salad, potatoes, legume dishes, etc.
  3. At noon, you can prepare a salad of fruits, eat nuts , jelly or baked apples.
  4. For dinner, for example, you can eat baked potatoes, a salad of vegetables, a cottage cheese casserole, etc.

Gluten-free food can be combined depending on your preferences. For example, you can make delicious pancakes from turkey.



Stuffing is mixed with peas, corn, chopped onions, eggs, salt and pepper. On medium heat, in vegetable oil fry pancakes, formed from minced meat, for 5 minutes. from each side. Separately it is necessary to prepare a sauce. To do this, combine sour cream, crushed cucumbers, greens and lemon juice.

Some nuances

Nutritionists have some doubts about losing weight adhering to the gluten-free diet. Since soybeans, rice and corn are the substitutes for forbidden products, which, if overused, will in turn promote weight gain. In addition, in some products instead of gluten for stickiness, a completely useless fat is used.

In addition, with the complete exclusion of cereals from the diet in the body, there may be a shortage of certain vitamins, so it is recommended to take additional multivitamin preparations. Nutritionists advise for weight loss to use a sparing version of the diet, which implies the use of certain products with gluten.