Rassolnik with rice and pickled cucumbers - recipe

Rassolnik mentioned in the XV century, although the name was different - "Kalya". This name combines a lot of soups with different proportions of cucumber pickle. Rassolnikov set: with chicken, with meat, with fish. But we are accustomed to the more classic for us, who ate from childhood, their prescriptions to you and represent.

How to cook pickle with cucumber and rice?



Wash the whole leg, peel one onion and stick the carnation buds straight into it, peel and cut one carrot into large mugs and put it all in a saucepan. Then put garlic, 2/3 of parsley, the remaining spices, except for ground pepper and a pinch of salt. Pour water and put on the stove, let the broth cook 1-1½ hours. Then cut into small cubes cucumbers and pass them on the oil for 12-15 minutes. While cucumbers are frying it is necessary to cut onions and grind carrots on a grater. They also need to be fried in oil. Cut potatoes with medium cubes so that it boils for 15-20 minutes. When the broth is ready, take out of it everything that was cooked in the pan, then we will need only meat. Remove it from the bones, disassemble and return to the pan. Now you can throw potatoes and rice, cook until potatoes are cooked, there will not be raw rice - it will be cooked. 5 minutes before the final cooking, put the roast and cucumber. Do not forget to salt, pepper and chop the remaining parsley to decorate.

The recipe for pickle with rice and pickled cucumbers is exactly the same, only cucumbers are used pickled, but in this case the whole meaning of the pickle is lost, which is called because of a pickle brine or barrel, without sourness it will be another soup.

Recipe for pickle with kidney, pickled cucumber and rice



It is necessary to start with the kidneys, they must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of film and fat. Then put them soaked in water (1 kg of kidneys per 3 liters of water) for four hours changing the water three times. And preferably at night, and changing the water before going to bed, in the morning and an hour before cooking.

Proceed to the broth: cut the beef pulp from the bone and cut into large pieces, then it will be possible to cut even smaller and add the meat lovers portionwise to the rassolnik plate. Meat and bone are sent to a pan, pour 3 liters of cold water and put on maximum fire. Peel one onion, stick the carnation buds into it, peel one carrot and cut along. At boiling reduce the fire to a minimum and collect the foam, then put in it prepared vegetables, parsley root, other spices. After about 1.5-2 hours, the broth will be ready, take out the meat and strain it.

After the kidneys are soaked, put them to boil. After 5-10 minutes, get the kidneys, drain the water - you will not need it. Allow them to cool and cut not into large slices, then put boil in broth for 15 minutes. Cut the onions finely, grate the carrots and fry them. At the final stage, add tomato paste to them and fry for another couple of minutes. Cucumbers should be cut into small cubes and fried in oil for about 15 minutes. Cut potatoes into small slices, drop them into boiling broth, followed by rice (just do not forget to rinse it). After fifteen minutes, add the roast, and after five minutes, the cucumber. After boiling for 10 minutes, salt, pepper, add to the taste of cucumber brine, bring to a boil and turn it off. Chop the parsley and use it for decoration, portionwise.