Growth of Gerard Butler

Scottish film actor Gerard Butler has good external dan and model growth. To many, he is known for his participation in the films "300 Spartans" and "Phantom of the Opera". By the way, in the work of Zack Snyder, the actor plays the king of the Spartans Leonid and for this role he had to sweat a lot in the gym. In addition, for a whole 4 months, the celebrity engaged in hard training, which turned his body into the personification of male beauty.

What is the height and weight of Gerard Butler?

The growth of the 46-year-old Hollywood celebrity is 189 cm, and weight - about 90 kg. Of course, in the photos from the rest, the actor does not always look perfect and at times gaining excess weight, but when it comes to preparing for filming in the movie, Butler immediately puts himself in order.

The program of trainings of the actor

What do you need to feel like a real lion? - Correctly, to gain a considerable amount of muscle mass, reducing to a minimum the fat in your body.

For example, Butler's permanent coach, Mark Twain, who is a famous American climber, developed an exercise program for the actor whose main task is to completely pump out his body without stopping to stimulate the muscles for development and further growth.

It is worth mentioning a more detailed list of exercises that once helped Gerard pull his body up to the Spartan parameters:

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At the same time, in order to look fit and fresh in his years, the actor carefully monitors the food - he eats small portions at least 5 times a day.