Useful properties of pomelo

Pomelo is a citrus fruit. His homeland is China. There he is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. This exotic fruit even gives each other for the New Year. Today, pomelo grows in many countries and is popular all over the world.

How to choose a pomelo and what are its useful properties

Some people consider pomelo to be a relative of grapefruit , but this is not true, these fruits are completely different. The pomelo tree reaches 10, and sometimes even 15 meters in height, has a round crown. The fruit is rounded, or pear-shaped and covered with a very thick skin. The diameter of the fetus is about 30 centimeters. Inside the fruit is divided into segments with seeds. Pomelo is very juicy, it tastes sweet and sour, the pulp has a pleasant aroma. At home, pomelo is not grown, since for normal growth the tree needs a lot of space and a very high humidity.

Benefits of pomelo fruit

Thanks to vitamins and minerals, pomelo has a very beneficial effect on human health. Useful properties of pomelo are the content of vitamin A, B and C, as well as potassium, which supports the heart system. It consists of limonoids, acting in the role of preventing the development of cancer. Essential oils contained in pomelo strengthen immunity. Ascorbic acid in this fruit is very important for the body to fight and prevent viral and colds. What is useful for pimelo in losing weight, so this is a special enzymes that break down proteins and fats. In addition, this fruit contains only 32 kcal in 100 grams of the product, so it is very often included in the diet.

Pomelo is recommended for people suffering from cardiac and vascular diseases. He has the property of normalizing blood pressure.

Quite often a question arises as to the usefulness of pomelo for women. The fact is that pomelo contains pectin, folic acid and beta-carotene. These are the substances that are simply necessary for pregnant women. The high content of vitamin C helps pregnant women to prevent colds, which are very dangerous for both mother and baby. And potassium and calcium form the fetal bone system. Pomelo will not cause excess weight, but, on the contrary, normalizes the metabolism in the body of a woman.

The benefits and harm of pomelo depend on individual intolerance and allergic reactions. If there is an allergy to citrus fruits, then from consumption, pomelo should be discarded. Due to the fact that pomelo, like all citrus fruits is an allergen, it should not be offered to children for up to a year. After a year, you can gradually and in a small amount introduce this fruit into the baby's diet.

How to choose the right pomelo?

It is important to choose the right pomelo. Its peel should be shiny, smooth and slightly soft to the touch. The fruit should have a pleasant and strong flavor. Unrefined it can be stored at room temperature for a month. If the pimple is peeled off, it is advisable to use it for several days.

Eat pomelo in fresh form, peeling off the peel and the films inside the fruit. However, it can become an ingredient of some salads, especially pomelo is combined with seafood. From it, you can also prepare a spicy sauce.

In raw form, pomelo is very convenient to clean. Unlike grapefruit, it is fairly easy to clean. It is enough to slightly cut a thick skin, and clean it like an orange . The films that separate the lobules of pomelo are also quite easily removed. Just a few minutes you can enjoy not only a pleasant scent, but also an unforgettable taste of this citrus fruit.