Prospan - Analogues

Propane is a natural herbal remedy for cough, which is suitable for both adults and children. The main feature of the drug is a persistent therapeutic effect, it is not just a symptomatic remedy. If for some reason you can not use drops or syrup Prospan, pay attention to the analogs of this medication, there are quite a few of them.

Syrup Prospan and its analogues

If you do not know what to replace Prospan, and consult with your doctor is not possible, choose the drugs with a similar active substance. There are several of them:

It is the dry extract of green ivy leaves that provides the main medicinal properties of Prospan. The agent helps to dissolve sputum and its immediate exit, due to which the bronchi are completely cleared within 3-7 days. Additional properties of ivy provide plant alkaloids, which have antispasmodic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

If you purchased an extract of a plant in a pharmacy, the dosage should be calculated based on the information in the instructions, this can be a rather complicated process. That's why it's better to give preference to ready-made medicines - Gerbion and Gedelix. Their scheme of reception is the same as in Prospan - depending on the severity of the patient's condition for 2.5-4 ml of medication 3 times a day.

Analog Prospan on the pharmacological group

Contraindications to the use of Proppan is an allergy to ivy and intolerance to fructose. In this case, attention should be paid to preparations from the same pharmacological group, but with another active substance. Here is a list of the most effective herbal medicines: