Dolls with pantyhose

Of course, textile dolls from pantyhose will not resemble a foxy little fool Barbie. Absolutely special faces of these dolls. Only from pantyhose you can make such cute mimic folds. Lovely grannies, funny grandfathers, pink-cheeked dolls, gorgeous Balzac beauties, a motley population of a communal apartment - all these are the favorite characters of the creators of dolls made from pantyhose.

The sewing of these dolls won a huge number of hearts and ordinary needlewomen, and eminent puppet masters. Some make a frame of dolls from a bottle, others pantyhose and a sintepon sheathe wire skeleton.

How to sew a doll from pantyhose?

1. What is required?

2. How?

We make a pattern. The length of the arm should be equal to the length of the trunk. The growth of our firstborn is 50 centimeters.

This is the optimal size, it is relatively easy for him to sew clothes. It should be noted that the less you get a doll, the harder it will be to sew dresses for her, because sewing clothes is a delicate work.

It is more convenient to first make a doll's head from pantyhose. Since it is easier to choose a frame and a pattern for the size of the head, than vice versa.

3. The face.

A doll from pantyhose takes a face. It is the opportunity to create such expressive persons, gathered such an army willing to create dolls with their own hands from their own pantyhose. Stylish and touching at the same time.

When we talk about making a face, we mean the formation of the obverse of the head of the doll, which is then sewn to the occipital region, smoothly passing into the cervical, and then to the thoracic and so on, in accordance with the atlas of human anatomy. Later, all traces of cosmetic operations can be cleverly masked with false hair.

How to make a doll face from pantyhose?

For the face we use a fragment of the "leg" of tights. From the synthepone we make a flat cake - this is a preparation for the face, we put it inside the pantyhose.

How to make a doll from a lump of a sintepon nose?

Very simple. We form a sintepon ball and place it in the center of the sintepon cake. The nose is pulled out with fingers and fixed with a long needle and bodily thread. Just like the nose, we make a doll out of the pantyhose of the cheek and the fold of the skin.

How to make a doll from pantyhose eyes?

Eyes can be made from buttons, implanted from another, old, doll or bear cub. You can take a couple of pieces of polymer baked clay, acrylic paints, lacquer, and make your own doll eyes. It is easy to simulate eyelids from pantyhose. To do this, you need to glue to the newly made eyeballs tiny, half-folded pieces of pantyhose, superfluous twist.

4. The figure.

The body of our cheerful little man is made up of a wire frame, a syneponic muscle part and a kolgoto skin. As stated earlier, the size of the head depends on the size of the face, and on the size of the head all the parameters of the figure's body.

The wireframe begins with a loop-head, then crosses the woven neck and diverges on two sides with separate wires, drawing the shoulders, hands, fingers, returns to the trunk, outlines the legs and fastens on the belt.

The frame is wrapped in a sintepon, neatly in one layer. We sew sinteponovuyu carcass pantyhose. We begin with the design of brushes and fingers. We sew each finger, the same way we do with the feet. The final chord will be the stitching of the facial part with the whole-nape of the occipital part and, as a consequence, the entire body of dolls made from pantyhose.