How to build up the endometrium?

Women who dream of having children make every effort to prepare their bodies for conception and natural childbirth. What causes can cause infertility in the female body? These are physiological problems, such as problems with ovulation, ovarian dysfunction, hormonal problems, polycystic ovary, early menopause, thin endometrium and the like, and also psychological problems.

Many problems can be solved, the main thing in time to seek help from doctors, because the older a woman becomes, the more difficult it is to diagnose and cure the disease. One of the most common causes of infertility is the thin endometrium. In order to learn how to build a thin endometrium, you need to see a doctor and find out exactly what causes his inactive growth.

How does the endometrium grow?

The endometrium builds up under the action of the hormone estrogen, which is produced by follicles, corresponding to the growth of the dominant follicle, which was released early in the cycle. If the folliculosis is disturbed, hormone production is disrupted and accordingly, the endometrium can not grow to the required size. The second reason for the "thin" endometrium is various injuries, such as abortions, scraping, spirals.

When the cause of infertility is established, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist how to increase the endometrium for further conception.

How fast to grow the endometrium?

Only medicamentous way, treatment with herbs does not give a quick result. Since the growth of the endometrium depends on the hormone of estrogen, then the treatment is recommended hormonal. It is necessary to inject estradiol into the body. After confirmation on ultrasound that the endometrium has increased to the desired size, you can drink tablets "Dyufaston". Many believe that "djufaston" builds up the endometrium, but it is not. He does not build up the endometrium, but helps him to form, that is, it needs to be applied after ovulation. "Dufaston" is a synthetic progesterone that has no effect on ovulation. He has no side effects.

Gynecologists recommend drinking "Gormel" drops. They are used only in the first phase of the cycle, before ovulation, later there is no point in drinking. After ovulation, you can drink "Utrozhestan", like Dufaston, it does not increase the endometrium, but is a natural progesterone preparation that must be drunk to form the necessary structure of the endometrium. Sold in the form of tablets and candles.

How to build up the endometrium with folk remedies?

We found out that the endometrium is formed under the influence of estrogens. It is necessary to analyze from which plants phytohormones can be isolated, which can manifest the properties of androgens, estrogens and progesterone. The most numerous group is represented by plants that contain phytoestragens - these are linden, mistletoe, sage, sweet clover, licorice, clover, hops.

Herbs containing phytoandrogens - it's rape, celery, cow-bream, lovage, ayr. In folk medicine, it is believed that the decoctions of these herbs will help the body produce the right hormones, and as a consequence, build up the endometrium with herbs.

How else can you grow a thin endometrium without using drugs? - A very good remedy is the hog uterus or one-sided orthility. It is recommended to brew and drink after ovulation, which gives a good result of an increase in the endometrium. Carrot seeds are good (you can grind on a coffee grinder) and take with honey three to four times a day, one teaspoonful. Decoction of an ortilia lopsided in the body of a woman is transformed into hormones.

Each woman has the right to choose how to build up the endometrium - with medicines or herbs, the main thing is that the result does not have to wait.