Astral entities

People who are engaged in occult sciences know firsthand about the essences of the astral world. Such knowledge came from the distant past, from pagan times. In this material, we will tell you about the astral entities in man. To begin with, we suggest that you understand the types of astral entities.

Types of astral entities

  1. Angels . Astral entities that are not negative - on the contrary, they carry light, good and love. They help people.
  2. Demons . They are considered to be fallen devils, if they settle in a person, they can completely destroy it. They cause very strong deviations in the behavior and mental state of the individual .
  3. Astral bodies of dead people . There are three forms.
  4. Demons are elementary pests. They are often called larvae. For their livelihood they need the raw energy. They feed on passion for games, greed, lust, adultery, low self-esteem of a person, conflicts and fights, unrestrained jealousy.
  5. The entities active at night are lunar . As a rule, they are introduced to the fair sex. This can explain hysterics and absurd, inadequate behavior of women.
  6. Gad . These astral essences come with a curse, as well as profanity. Reptiles, as this kind of otherworldly forces are also called, it is possible to infect another person with ease.
  7. Spontaneous essences : fairies, sirens, nymphs, gnomes, salamanders and others. Responsible for different elements.
  8. Sloths . The name speaks for itself. Parasitism, an idle lifestyle, laziness, abstraction from the surrounding world attract them.
  9. Astral dogs . They are created specifically for a specific purpose. Usually they are used to harm a particular person.
  10. Astral bodies of living creatures . If a person has a desire, he can specifically inspire the spirit of an animal. Shamans often infuse themselves with spirits of strong beasts, for example, a wolf or a bear.
  11. Egregors . They are born thanks to the collective activity of people. Their creation is aimed at the flow of energy from people in which they settle. Egregors can be sports, economic, political or religious. They arise when people unite under common ideas. The strength and power of the egregors grows from the number of people involved.
  12. Living people . Sleeping people can unconsciously separate their astral body from the physical and move. Dark magicians, sorcerers, and also people with high spirituality are able to move consciously in the astral dimension.

How to get rid of astral entities?

As a rule, when talking about astral projections, people mean negative phenomena and obsession with human beings from the other world. The astral dimension is "populated" by the astral essences of a variety of strength and energy. People are better not to face such manifestations, but there are also those who see these spirits and even try to control them. Witches, sorcerers and people with extrasensory abilities when working with otherworldly forces should be as cautious as possible to protect themselves from astral entities.

Getting rid of astral entities is a very complex and time-consuming process. First, we suggest that you understand how an astral entity can penetrate a person and how it can be revealed that they are exactly them.

Many people do not even suspect that within them is an other-worldly entity. The astral entities are very susceptible to human sins. When they manage to penetrate the subtle human body, they have a destructive effect on the person. Different dependencies, seizures of schizophrenia and epilepsy, addictions - and this is not a complete list of what a person can expect under the influence of these creatures.

If the otherworldly forces succeeded in penetrating the subtle body of a man, then he ceases to control himself and begins to behave inadequately. Lies, rudeness, aggressive emotions, rudeness become the "calling card" of the obsessed. There are situations when astral entities get "inherited" from their parents. There is also the view that schizophrenia is nothing but an obsession with astral entities.

Astral entities are able to move in various dimensions, they have astral, etheric and subtle bodies. That's why they can deliver so many problems to people. In addition, any astral entity has a present and its unique past. Astral entities can evolve and evolve. When they get into a person, then their own subtle bodies are deformed. At the same time they are fueled by human energy. Also, a person becomes an energy vampire and sucks energy out of others, because his powers take away astral negative entities. Proceeding from all this, it becomes clear that it is very difficult to drive them out of the obsessed person and this can only be done by a very strong person with special knowledge and skills.