Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Although in speaking, sclerosis is commonly referred to as memory impairment , often observed in old age, this disease does not have an age or disability. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis usually occur in young people and in middle age, that is, from 15 to 40 years. "Scattered" in this case means "plural," and the term "sclerosis" means a scar, since the disease causes a replacement of normal nerve tissue by a connective one.

Multiple Sclerosis - Causes and Symptoms of Disease

The exact causes of the onset of the disease have not been established to date. Presumably, multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune reaction of the body to the influence of certain external factors (viral infections, toxins), which can be largely aided by hereditary predisposition.

Clinical signs in the early stages of multiple sclerosis are often not obvious. This is explained by the fact that neighboring cells take on the function of affected areas, and obvious neurological symptoms appear even after a sufficiently extensive lesion.

How multiple sclerosis is manifested - the main signs of the disease

The disease can be recognized by such symptoms:

  1. The defeat of the cranial nerves. It manifests as a decrease or loss of vision in one eye, doubling in the eyes, unfocused vision and the appearance of black spots, narrowing the field of view, color perception, strabismus, headaches, painful tics or paresis of the facial muscles, hearing loss.
  2. Cerebellar disorders. These include dizziness, impaired coordination and balance, a change in handwriting, uncontrolled fluctuations in the eyeballs.
  3. Sensitivity disorders. Feeling numbness, tingling, periodic disappearance of sensitivity in certain areas, reducing pain, heat and vibration sensitivity.
  4. Pelvic disorders. Violation of urination and decreased potency.
  5. Movement disorders. Muscle weakness, impossibility of minor manipulations, convulsions, muscle atrophy.
  6. Mental and emotional disorders. Sharp mood swings, reduced ability to remember, etc.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms are aggravated, down to loss of motor function, speech and disruption of basic vital functions.