Can mushrooms be pregnant?

Mushrooms in the diet during pregnancy - not an obligatory food, but if desired, it can be included in it. Mushrooms contain a large number of useful micronutrients, such as phosphorus. Mushrooms are rich in protein, which can be compared with its content in meat. This product is high-calorie, which makes you feel full, eating a few mushrooms.

Consider how pregnant mackeries can be eaten.

Can pickled mushrooms be pregnant?

Marinated mushrooms during pregnancy should be excluded from their diet. They do not preserve useful substances, and mushrooms can cause heartburn, swelling. In addition, the risk of poisoning pickled mushrooms is much higher.

Can I have fried mushrooms?

Fried mushrooms for pregnant women - not the most suitable food product in this period. Fried mushrooms are poorly digestible food for the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they can cause allergic reactions.

Do not forget that it is better to use mushrooms during pregnancy in the form of broths, boiled or stewed. When cooking mushrooms, cook them for one hour or more to destroy possible poisonous substances. Responsibly refer to the quality of the mushrooms and the place of their purchase.

Why can not mushrooms be pregnant?

Pregnant is not recommended to eat mushrooms, because:

Mushroom poisoning during pregnancy

The danger of fungal poisoning during pregnancy is that the toxins in them can pass through the placental barrier. But such cases are rare.

Symptoms of poisoning:

When these symptoms appear, you need to contact the hospital for assistance. Do not treat poisoning during pregnancy is not serious. When poisoning develops intoxication, dehydration of the body due to vomiting or diarrhea. In this case, the metabolism of both the mother and the fetus is disrupted, and the level of blood supply to the child is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the electrolyte, water balance of the body and clean it from the products and the causes of intoxication.