Drink with mint and lemon

Mint and lemon, perhaps, are the best combination for a summer soft drink. The freshness of mint leaves and lemon acidity create an excellent composition, the variants of which we selected below in our recipes.

How to make a refreshing drink from lemon and mint - recipe



First of all, to prepare a drink, we put water on the fire, dissolving sugar in it. Its quantity can be varied depending on the desired sweetness of the finished beverage. Leave the workpiece cool, then squeeze the lemon juice, add a little bit of zest and put peppermint into it. It must first be washed and chopped or grinded with a pestle.

The drink will be absolutely ready after being infused for two to four hours in the refrigerator. When serving, we complement each glass of the drink with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.

Drink from ginger, lemon and mint



Preparing the preparation of the drink, lemons washed, scalded with boiling water, cut in half and squeezed the juice. Pulp and zest are not thrown away, but cut into pieces and put into the blender bowl. Ginger root, washed, cleaned, also cut into small pieces and sent to a lemon. There we throw previously washed with cold water and dried branches of fresh mint, pour sugar and add a little water. We punch the mass in the device before converting it into puree, then transfer it into a suitable container and fill the remaining water. We give the contents of the vessel for some time to brew, and then squeeze it with a gauze cut properly, separating the hard part and this time throwing it.

To the resulting aromatic liquid, add the lemon juice, mix it, pour the finished drink into a jug and put it in the refrigerator for cooling.

When serving, we complement the drink in a glass with ice cubes, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.

If desired, the drink can be made even more useful by replacing the sugar with honey.

Summer drink with mint, orange and lemon



To ensure that the citrus peel is not bitter in the drink, rinse the fruits and pour them with boiling water for two minutes. After that, cut oranges and lemons in half, squeeze the juice, and the pulp is cut into slices, which we put in a jug or other container for the preparation of the drink. There also lay pre-washed and chopped sprigs of fresh mint and rub the mass with a pestle or a crush. Mix the sugar with a small amount of water and put it on the stove. Warm the mixture, stirring, until all the crystals are dissolved, and then let cool and pour out to citrus with mint. We pour the rest of the vodka and the squeezed lemon and orange juice into the bowl, place the drink on the shelf of the refrigerator and let it brew for a minimum of two hours.

Drink with mint, lemon and strawberries



For some time before the preparation of the drink prepare ice with strawberries. To do this, put sliced ​​strawberry slices and mint leaves in ice molds, pour all the boiled water and send it to the freezer for freezing.

Lemon is washed, cut into slices and placed in a blender container. There, also, lay the washed sprigs of mint and break the contents of the device until the mashed potatoes are obtained. Now fill the workpiece with boiling water and let it cool. Filter the mixture through the gauze cut and squeeze well. Rigid component is thrown out, we dispense liquid by glasses, into each we throw two or three strawberry ice cubes and immediately serve.