Uncomfortable situations in life - how to get out?

In the life of any person, awkward situations happen, when the surrounding people feel ashamed, embarrassed and feel ashamed to "fall through" to the ground or become invisible. Such cases are always long and painfully experienced by the person, they are scrolled over and over again, causing the person to engage in self-flagellation.

How to get out of an awkward situation?

Uncomfortable situations - their many, from any embarrassment is not insured by any person, with each one at least the following absurd moments occurred:

What to do and how to get out of an embarrassing situation when it already happened:

  1. Honestly admit the truth that this happened.
  2. An embarrassing situation to turn into a joke.

Awkward situation in the relationship

The awkward situations in life bring a lot of grief. People who are in a relationship: marital, related, friendly awkward life situations are experienced the hardest. General examples:

Leaving "dry of water" during the conflict will help recognize the importance of everyone's opinion and admit their wrongness. In relations with friends, if it sounded something offensive to wrap it up on yourself, for example, if a girlfriend was condemned for yesterday's behavior at a party, you can say: "I was also nice yesterday, distinguished myself in full!" It would be superfluous to apologize.

Awkward situation on the date

Relationships have just begun to be tied up and acute angles, as always, can not be avoided in the initial stages. The awkward situation with a guy or girl who can happen on a date and what to do about it:

  1. An awkward silence. You can suggest your topic of conversation or start talking about your loved ones, hobbies, travel.
  2. Affected ticklish topic about the appearance, the former relationship. The personal borders and exits from the case can be touched by two: directly tell the partner about an unpleasant topic for you and switch the conversation to another channel or just get up and leave without explaining anything if the person evokes hostility.
  3. Meeting place - a dull eatery, and the situation is complicated by the fact that the guy thinks every penny, asks for a discount. Each girl will experience embarrassment (if she is not the savior of problematic men). It is important to appreciate yourself and your time, do not stay with such a guy.

Uncomfortable situations during sex

It is appropriate to recall the heroine of the series "Sex and the City" - Carrie, lying in bed with the man of her dreams unexpectedly ... farts, elegantly feminine and suffers from shame for several days. Mr. Big, her lover teases her and at the same time reassures her that this can happen to anyone, but Carrie does not help. Then the enterprising Mr. Big farts loudly, not at all elegantly, like a man. There is a relaxation of the situation, over which both happy laugh. The most awkward situations that happen during sex:

What to do with all these embarrassments:

  1. Humor, as always appropriate.
  2. Careful attitude to the partner and his feelings: to calm, caress and not make of this tragedy.

How to forget about an awkward situation?

An awkward situation is not a reason for self-flagellation and low self-esteem . This is an experience that should be taken into account, but do not carry it with a heavy load in life. What can help not to remember:

  1. People are not perfect, fragile and vulnerable, and this also has its own truth and charm. Anyone living, experienced some annoying cases.
  2. Learn to perceive what is happening calmly.
  3. As soon as an unpleasant moment emerges, to shift attention to something else: to clean up, listen to music.
  4. It is important to remember: other people very quickly forget about what happened.