Topographical cretinism

Passing the standard of "getting lost in three pines" is your best skill since childhood? The thought "Lord, where am I?" - visits every time you decide to cut off the usual road? Then for certain you had to hear in your address an offensive verdict - "topographical cretinism". Today we will try to figure out what kind of diagnosis this is, and, most importantly, can we get rid of it?

Topo ... what?

As soon as topographic cretinism is not distorted, calling it "topological", "geographical" and even "typographical cretinism". Let's figure it out.

The inability to navigate the terrain and the lack of spatial imagination (as discussed in this article) is correctly called topographic or spatial cretinism.

The topology is a division of mathematics, which studies the properties of space that remain unchanged under deformation. Therefore, it can be said that topological cretinism suffers the most, and it's not so scary.

Geographic cretinism can be diagnosed without attempting to orient in space. For example, if a person can not name the capital of his country. And will not be able to find your city on the map of the country - then it smacks of cartinism by cretinism.

Causes of topographic cretinism

  1. Gender. Sad to say, but topographic cretinism is more common in women than in men. Studies have shown that we are more likely to trust the partner, instinctively following him in case the road is not familiar to us. By the way, this is quite understandable. After all, men were originally hunters, they had to go for long distances for centuries. First hunting for mammoths, then hiking for new lands ... Our own ancestors only picked berries, and an impressive period of time and were completely riveted to the family hearth. In addition, men have more developed logical thinking , it is easier for them to organize thoughts in their heads and memorize landmarks.
  2. Genetic. Parents could hardly find their way to the nearest kindergarten? Most likely, and you will go on their confusing footsteps.
  3. Children's trauma . If you were afraid of getting lost in childhood or being left alone in an unfamiliar place, then for sure the brain still automatically includes "panic" if necessary to find a new place.
  4. Excessive emotionality . Emotions prevent us from remembering and thinking logically. The internal map, yes there, all the composure are hammered in the corners, when hysterical solo on the stage.
  5. Lack of motivation. Sometimes the lack of desire prevents us from finding the right way. This happens quite often, for example, if you have to look for a place that causes hostility in advance.

Doctor, is this being treated?

First of all, remind yourself that topographical cretinism is not a medical diagnosis or a verdict. This is just an insulting joke to those who find it difficult to remember the road or navigate the terrain. However, there is good news: poorly developed spatial imagination is most often compensated for by excellent visual memory. Shops of cosmetics or Italian shoes - what are not the landmarks?

And, of course, training will not hurt:

Do not be afraid, if at times you will feel like in a strange city, after all, the road can always be asked from passersby!