Dekasan for inhalations by nebulizer

Dekasan is a strong antimicrobial drug used for the disinfection of surgical instruments, before labor, during cavitary operations. This medicine defeats the bacteria and does not affect the cells of the human body, so the scope of the drug is constantly expanding. Recently, Dekansan is actively used for inhalations by a nebulizer during the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. This method is especially good for children, but also suitable for adults.

What is the rationale for the use of Dexan for inhalation?

Start using Dexan for inhalation with a nebulizer is best in the early stages of the illness, it will help prevent complications. For example, with a cold it's good to carry out 1-2 procedures a day, it will not let the infection fall lower and spread to the respiratory system, which means it will reduce the risk of developing diseases such as tracheitis and bronchitis. In addition, unlike vasoconstrictive drops, inhalation will not only facilitate breathing and will enhance the withdrawal of sputum, but will also have a therapeutic effect.

Due to the fact that the main active ingredient, detoximeter, destroys the intercellular membrane of practically all known gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria, they lose their ability to reproduce and gradually die. Spraying with a nebulizer allows microparticles of the antibacterial agent to cover the entire mucosa of the respiratory tract, clearing them of microorganisms. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is very high.

This makes it possible to use the drug in the form of inhalations in such diseases:

Instructions for using Dekasan for inhalations with nebulizer

If you do not know how to plant Dexan for inhalations, carefully look at the package of the drug. There should be indicated the concentration of the active substance and composition. In the event that you have a capsule for a nebulizer, then you do not need to dilute the drug further. Dessilled water and sodium chloride have already been added to Dekasan. If you have pure Dekasan, it should be diluted with saline in a one-to-one ratio when treating adults, and one to two with the therapy of children. This is an approximate formula, since there is a different percentage of concentration of metaxetaxine. It will be better if the proportion of inhalation Dekasan chooses a doctor, because different bacteria have different susceptibilities to the drug.

The treatment regimen provides 1-3 inhalations per day using 5-10 ml Dekasan for each inhalation. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 20 ml.

How often to do inhalation with Dekasan, depends on the stage of the disease and its severity. In the early days, 1 procedure is enough. If no improvement or complications have begun, intensive therapy can be carried out and the number of inhalations can be increased to 3 per day.

Since the drug does not affect the cells of our body and practically does not enter the blood, the likelihood of an overdose is very low. There are almost no contraindications, first of all it is an individual intolerance. If you notice symptoms of an allergic reaction, treatment should be stopped immediately and seek medical attention. The most common symptom in this case is hives, itching, but there may also be difficulty breathing, which is very dangerous.

Decasane in the form of inhalations can be used to treat children older than a year. The effect of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy has not been studied, during breastfeeding in milk Dekasan does not fall.