Prayers for all occasions

Let's digress from the topic of religion and talk about the power of the word - should we place special hopes on verbal spheres? Scientists have long proven that words affect both energetically and psychologically on a person. And, with what the impact begins - with the echo of energy flows or our subconscious belief in their truthfulness, alas, and scientists do not know. But the fact remains, and when we swear, we call ourselves not the most flattering epithets and do it regularly - we really become the owners of the features we said. So why not say good things?

And good things are just prayers for all occasions. You do not have to become a religious fanatic, but to thank the higher forces for luck, luck, good weather, a good deal is not just possible, but it is necessary for your own good.

When a person reads a prayer of thanksgiving, his mind concentrates on a positive fact and fixes it. And if you take all the benefits as a matter of course, you will not be happy, even if you possess unearthly riches, superhuman health and divine beauty.

Prayer can be selected for a variety of occasions - for health, luck, love, luck, from unhappiness, grief, fatigue , evil, etc. We will offer you several options for prayers that can keep your peace of mind even in the most difficult moments of your life. If you feel that someone is "pumping out" energy, foul language, wants evil, envies, just read one of the following prayers and protect yourself from bad influence.


This prayer for accidents should be read every morning after waking up and in the evening, before going to bed. Well, and, of course, when you feel the danger approaching.

"Most Holy Theotokos, save me and protect me from anger, from enemies and adversaries. Close your eyes, tame my heart, and cover me with your holy cover. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading such a prayer in difficult times several times, you will feel relief and a surge of energy, although because, believe it, now you are protected.


If you feel that your life is in danger, for example, when you go home late at night, you are followed by suspicious people, you should cross yourself and read the following prayer used in dangerous cases:

"Let God arise, and His enemies will be scattered, and let them hate Him from His presence." Yako smoke will disappear, but will disappear; As the wax melts from the face of the fire, let the demons perish from the person of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross, and in the joy of those who say: Rejoice, Primate and Life-giving of the Cross of the Lord, drive the demons by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to you, the hell descended and gone diabolism, and bestowing on us the Cross of Your Honest for the expulsion of every adversary. Oh, Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin and the Theotokos and with all the saints for all. Amen".


Before you learn to influence the situation with a word, you must master the technique of purification. Everyone knows that there are magicians, sorcerers, healers who know how to "properly" ask God for help. For example, folk healers ask God for the cure of each of their patients. And he gives them what is asked of him, from simply reading the prayer to the whole event of life.

Why? Because their soul is pure, and they know how to be disinterested. And the first step to purifying the soul is to get rid of envy . You should learn to keep yourself out of jealousy and instead, thank God for someone else's happiness. And never try to use the word to the detriment of anyone.