Furacilin for eyewash

Each of us has been in a situation where something has got into the eye, or inflammation has begun, conjunctivitis . Most often in this situation, advised to use boiled water, or Chlorhexidine, but the washing of the eyes with Furacilin is much more effective.

How useful is Furacilin for the eyes?

Furacilin belongs to antimicrobial drugs and has a strong disinfecting effect. In the pharmacy you can find this medicine in such forms of release:

At first glance it may seem that the pharmacological solution of Furacilin for eye washing is the most suitable remedy, but it is not so. The fact is that it contains alcohol, and this does not allow it to be applied on the mucous membrane. Sometimes in the departments of pharmacies, where pharmacists prepare medicines, you can find an aqueous solution of Furacilin. It can be used to wash conjuncts. But if you are not lucky enough to discover this rare medicine, you can prepare it yourself.

Furacilin, diluted in water, has the following properties:

How do I wash my eyes with Furacilin?

Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible for children to wash their eyes with Furacilin. Yes, this drug is completely safe even for babies up to a year. Individual intolerance to the medication is very rare and manifests itself immediately, which allows you to stop treatment on time. There are no other contraindications for this remedy. The washing of the eyes with furacilin for conjunctivitis in infants and for the treatment of adults is the same. It is necessary to moisten the wadded disk in a solution of room temperature and wipe the eyelid, and then blink until the product falls under it, washing the shell of the eye. You can also use a disinfected boiling water pipette, or a pharmacy for washing eyes. Furacilin for washing eyes is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Take 2 Furacilin tablets and grind them into a fine, uniform powder. Take care that no foreign substances enter the medicine.
  2. Boil a glass of water. Cool to a temperature of 40-50 degrees.
  3. Pour the powder into the water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Usually this happens just at the time when the water cools to body temperature. For reliability, it is possible to strain the solution through sterile gauze, so that too large parts of the medicine do not get into the eyes.
  4. A ready-made room-temperature solution should be washed immediately with eyes. You can not keep it after this.