Clarithromycin - analogues

The drug Clarithromycin has analogues that are more affordable. At the same time, their structural components, the action of the substance and the desired result are almost completely identical.

Antibiotic Clarithromycin

The drug is a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. With its help, the following problems are eliminated:

Also, the antibiotic Clarithromycin actively fights against streptococci and chlamydia.

Often this drug is prescribed in combination with other antibiotics with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli .

Clarithromycin is a fairly strong antibiotic, which has a number of contraindications, so it should not be taken with:

It is worth paying attention to the incompatibility of the drug with certain medicines, for example:

What can replace Clarithromycin?

There are a number of similar in composition and action drugs, which are often much lower in price. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic called Klacid. Many people ask if Clarithromycin or Clacid is better. In fact, these are two different names for the same drug, so you can call either one or the other in the pharmacy. Clacid is the commercial name of the drug, which contains clarithromycin.

There is a whole list of such medications, similar in effect to this medication. So, here's what you can replace Clarithromycin:

The cheapest analogue of Clarithromycin is Clarbact produced in India, as well as Claritrosin, which is manufactured in Russia.

Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that sometimes the price of a drug can be reduced due to the quality of the auxiliary substances that make up its composition. Therefore, before you buy such a budget option, think, it may be worthwhile to choose exactly those medications prescribed by the doctor.