Ointment from burns with boiling water

Just in case, ointment from burns with boiling water should be in each medicine cabinet. Everyone can get such an injury. And in order to prevent all its negative consequences, first aid should be provided not just quickly, but lightning fast.

Effective ointments from burns with boiling water

It is important to remember that ointments, masks, compresses and other remedies should never be applied to the injured area of ​​the skin immediately after getting injured. To begin with, the epidermis should be cleaned of clothing - if necessary - and cool. Influence of low temperature on the affected tissue should be at least half an hour and only then apply the ointments after the burn with boiling water.

  1. Excellent tool - Panthenol . It is available in various forms - ointments, sprays, tablets, troches, solution, lotion. The drug removes swelling, minimizes soreness, restores damaged tissues, promotes early healing. Apply this ointment from burns with boiling water directly to the injury twice - four times a day. After application, the wound does not need to be covered with bandages.
  2. Pretty good ointment from burns with boiling water - Levomekol. It is produced on a hydrophilic basis and can be dissolved in water. The remedy removes most of the unpleasant symptoms of trauma and in parallel has an antibacterial effect.
  3. Solkoseril and Rescuer are gentle but effective medicines. Therefore, they are often recommended even for small victims.

Ointment from burns with boiling water - folk remedies

As a first aid, it is undesirable to use them. But then for the early healing of the wound folk recipes will come in handy:

  1. Heated sunflower oil with beeswax is a wonderful medicine. The mixture is slightly cool and applied to gauze, and then - to the skin in the form of a compress.
  2. Effectively treats cold egg white, mixed with butter.
  3. Peeled off raw potatoes.