Cedar nut oil - application

Among all the existing nuts, a special place in folk medicine is given to cedar. The unique qualities found in it have found wide application in cosmetology and medicine. Particularly useful is the oil of pine nuts, the application of which is described in the article. Thanks to cold pressing, the product was able to retain all the original properties.

General application of pine nut oil

The presence of a huge number of useful properties allowed using the product to combat many ailments:

  1. Thanks to the antioxidant property, oil strengthens the immune system and helps prevent the development of certain diseases.
  2. The oil allows to improve the patient's condition and accelerate his recovery, as it has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, and also helps to rid the body of toxins.
  3. The presence of fatty acids and vitamins in the composition makes it possible to normalize lipid metabolism. That's why oil is included in the diet for the treatment of atherosclerosis and the fight against excess weight.
  4. Cedar oil has found wide spread in cosmetology. It perfectly nourishes the skin, relieving it of dryness. It can be used for daily care on any part of the body.

Application of pine nut oil inside

The most common treatment for this product is colds. To strengthen the immune system, oil is taken either inside or as an inhalation.

Inside take the oil according to this scheme: three times a day before the main meal by half a small spoon. The treatment is conducted by courses lasting ten days with a five-day break. For prevention, the product is recommended to be added to ready-made meals.

Cedar nut oil for hair

The benefit of oil is that it contains vitamins A and E, which have a beneficial effect on the appearance of hair and skin.

The application of the product allows you to cope with such problems:

Regular application of cedar nut oil to hair restores their structure, the main thing is to know how to apply it. Restore curls can be done with the help of this mask:

  1. Cedar oil, tea and vodka (each component on a spoon) is mixed.
  2. Apply massage movements on the scalp.
  3. After two hours, the hair is washed using a normal shampoo.
  4. Repeat the procedure is recommended twice a week for a month.