Laxative during pregnancy

More than 50% of women in the situation suffer from constipation. This is due to many factors: an increase in the level of progesterone, the use of drugs containing magnesium and iron, beginning with the second trimester, and with the threat of miscarriage, when there is a restriction of motor activity. The situation is complicated by the fact that the use of drugs, including laxatives, during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Therefore, the treatment of this ailment in pregnant women is advisable to start with diet and physical activity (of course, if there is no threat of abortion).

Diet for pregnant women

For the prevention and treatment of constipation in women in the position, various diets and recommendations have been developed regarding the diet and the consumption of laxatives during pregnancy. The latter are widely used whole-wheat cereals and side dishes, bread with bran or wholemeal flour, fresh yogurt, kiwi, nuts, sunflower seeds, legumes, almost all kinds of cabbage, carrots, beets and most fruits. Excellent natural laxative during pregnancy - dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots). Using them every morning, you can avoid various problems with bowel movement. The drinking regime is also important. Drinking 1.5 liters of liquid daily, you can significantly reduce the risk of constipation.

Nutrition of pregnant women should be fractional and balanced (with the optimal ratio of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals). Recommended frequent intake of food, but in small portions.

Moderate physical activity, in particular frequent walking, also contributes to eliminating such a delicate problem.

In cases where a woman suffered constipation before pregnancy, or if the above measures are ineffective, avoid the use of laxatives during pregnancy is not possible.

What laxatives are allowed for use during pregnancy?

The principle of action of most laxatives is categorically not acceptable in pregnancy, because it is based on stimulation of the receptors of the colon and, as a result, increased peristalsis.

Strictly forbidden:

Safe as a laxative during pregnancy:

However, do not forget that even drugs allowed for pregnant women can only be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.