Is human levitation a myth or a reality?

Everyone at least once in his life dreamed of learning how to fly like a bird, or soaring in the air above the ground, this term was called "levitation." It is believed that only selected people have this talent, in ancient times they were called saints or sorcerers. Modern researchers believe that to learn this technique is realistic, but requires a lot of patience.

What is levitation?

Scientists give a precise formulation of what is levitation. This is the ability to stay in the air, overcoming the attraction, without any devices. Several meanings of the word are formulated, levitation is:

  1. Antigravitation.
  2. A phenomenon when the body hangs in the air without support.
  3. The ability of a person to become weightless.
  4. Exceeding the human energy field over the planet's field.

Is levitation a myth or a reality?

For more than a decade, the ability to soar above the earth was considered a charlatanry or focus, because people who possessed the true gift, did not advertise themselves. The reason is weighty: if such an individual was not ranked as a saint, then they declared him possessed by an evil spirit. In search of an answer to the question of whether levitation is possible, modern scientists have gone experimentally. They managed to determine what the essence is - in the Meissner effect, which is based on superconductivity.

The human biofield is constantly in contact with the energy fields of the Earth, moreover, the force of attraction prevails. By experiment, it is proved that the point where the gravitational force is compared with the buoyancy force is half a meter from the ground, at this distance yogis and fakirs hang. A person can stay in the air if:

Levitation in a dream

Everyone flew in a dream, more often it happens in childhood, but when scientists began to investigate this phenomenon, very interesting facts emerged:

  1. The feeling of flight is extremely real.
  2. The pictures seen in flight are easily remembered in reality.

This gave grounds to assume that the gift of flying was laid in a person with a gene code. The ability to turn on when you fall asleep, during the transition the body goes into weightlessness. The technique of levitation is complex, trained for years, but to make sure that the sensation of steaming is known to the body, it is possible in a simple way:

  1. Become equal, concentrate, feel the weight of the body.
  2. Try to reduce this weight mentally.
  3. When the body has lightness, imagine a layer of elastic air under your feet that lifts upwards.

Yoga levitation

The most famous masters of levitation are yogis, on the streets of India you can often see a fakir hanging in the air. Many consider it a trick, but in vain. In the ancient Indian Vedas, scientists managed to find instructions on how to learn levitation, but nobody has managed to translate it from Sanskrit to this day. In Hinduism, it is believed that a person who has reached a higher level of consciousness and became a siddhu, is able to levitate through "siddha laghima" - ease.

Levitation - how to learn?

How to learn to levitate? This question is asked by many esotericists and exorcists . Special methods have been developed, but they need to be mastered for a long time. Begin to advise with the reduction in weightlessness of parts of your body, this exercise should be done in turn, starting with the hands and feet:

  1. Choose a familiar room for comfort, include relaxing music.
  2. Sit down at the table, put your hand on the lid. Relax, do not think about anything. Breathe slowly and deeply.
  3. Concentrate on the hand. See the flow of heat that passes through it.
  4. Tighten the body and mentally touch the skin, muscles, feel how the blood flows through the veins.
  5. When the hand becomes heavy, imagine that it begins to lose weight. Do this until the hand ceases to be felt.
  6. Mentally put an air cushion under your arm that will lift it up.
  7. Return to the previous state.

Levitation exercises

The second stage of the practice was called "The Road to Heaven". But the main secret of levitation is that the belief in one's possibilities is unlimited. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose a crowded road. Walk calmly, not hurrying. Mentally turn away from reality, focus only on movement.
  2. To imagine that you are walking in an ocean of energy, this is identical to how to do steps to the waist in the water.
  3. Feel how the energy rises up, around the body and inside it.
  4. Imagine that the road goes to infinity. In this case, it is raised by 15-20 degrees from the surface of the earth.
  5. Feel the lift as you move up this road using energy.
  6. Concentrate on the sensations, remember them.
  7. Walk this way for at least an hour.
  8. After the walk, conduct the meditation, applying the methods mentally.

How to force levitate light objects?

For experienced fakirs, levitation of small objects is a common thing. It's extremely difficult for an ordinary person to learn this, unless he has supernatural abilities. But there is one small trick that will surprise and entertain friends. To do this, you will need:

The focus is very easy to perform, you just have to strictly follow all the recommendations:

  1. Dilute a very strong saline solution, salt until it dissolves.
  2. Cut a piece of string up to 40 centimeters. Soak in the solution for 24 hours.
  3. Dry in expanded form, the thread must be perfectly flat and straight.
  4. Thread a paper clip or other light object with a thread. Hold it on the weight, set fire to the thread. The bottom line is that the clip will keep invisible crystals of salt in the air, and it will give the impression that it hangs in the air. The main thing is not to tug for a string after it's burnt.

Human levitation - the facts

Levitate is to soar in the air, few people had such a gift from birth. The first mention of the event is dated 632, in connection with the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the coffin with his ashes has long been floating in the air. In the history there were preserved the names of people who demonstrated such a gift, the Orthodox and Catholic Church ranked them among the saints:

In the 20th century, a proven case of levitation - with the famous predictor Daniel Hume. The demonstration of his talent was witnessed by Napoleon the Third, the Russian Emperor Alexander II, the German Kaiser Wilhelm the First, the writer Conan Doyle. Since an explanation for this phenomenon could not be found, it was decided to attribute this gift to the little-studied phenomena of the body.