Moral education of junior schoolchildren

Under moral education, it is customary to understand the formation in the child of an adequate relation to the surrounding world, people, animals and plants. The leading role in the upbringing of spiritual qualities is played by the family, because this is the first and main habitat of a small citizen. Secondly, the moral education of junior schoolchildren is carried out by the school, where the child also spends a lot of time. The personality of the child is formed already from the first years of life, when he begins to understand the words "no" and "impossible." Next, we will consider the features of the spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren in the family and school.

Formation of spiritual qualities in younger schoolchildren in the family

The most important condition for the harmonious formation of the personality is the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the family. The child should understand that all members of the family not only love him, but love and respect each other. After all, the example of parents is the most important, and the child at the level of the subconscious seeks to copy the adult's behavior pattern.

It is in the family that the child first becomes attached to work, even if it is even a minor assignment, but they also play their positive role in upbringing. From an early age, the next of kin explains the baby, "what is good and what is bad". At the same time, it is very important to create situations for the child in which he learns to do the right thing (share with his neighbor, ask for forgiveness, help the elders). From early childhood, a small person should already understand that lying is bad, but one should always tell the truth, whatever it is.

Parents should show their child that he cares for them, and his interests are important to them. Therefore, family members should be interested in the success of the child in school, attend parent meetings and take part in extracurricular activities (preparation and participation in school holidays, hiking).

Moral education of junior schoolchildren in the process of school education

School teachers help to consolidate the positive qualities that parents develop in a child. The educational institution teaches the younger schoolboy to adapt and live in a large team. It is in school that the first friends can appear at the child, and from how a person, while still a schoolboy of the junior classes, refers to friendship, his future life will depend.

Undoubtedly, it is bad if the moral education of a junior schoolboy is only about the school. The schoolteacher, with all his responsible attitude towards the work, can not physically pay special attention to all the pupils of the class. Of course, more attention is paid to so-called problem children. Their parents are often summoned to school and hold explanatory talks with them on raising children.

Moral education of younger schoolchildren in after-hour activities

Examples of such upbringing can be the education of a sense of collectivism during hiking, sports and mass events at school. Children are taught to share some delicacies, which someone took with them. It is important to be able to help someone who needs it, or to call for help from an adult. The child, being still very small, should not be indifferent not only to other people, but also to animals and plants.

On the moral education of junior schoolchildren in school and at home, we can still speak a lot, we have considered only its main aspects. Many modern parents, striving for material goods, to ensure their future and their child, forget about the main thing that in the pursuit of money they can "miss the time" for the upbringing of their child. It is important to remember that parents play a leading role, and the school is an auxiliary one.