Growth of a child in 6 months

To understand whether a newborn baby is developing correctly, doctors evaluate its biometric indicators every month and, in particular, its growth. Of course, the deviation of this value from normal values ​​for a certain age is not a violation, but in combination with other characteristics may indicate some disadvantage in the child's body.

In addition, even with the normal development of the baby, it is useful for parents to know its growth, because it is this indicator, first of all, used to determine the size of children's clothing. In this article we will tell you what the normal growth of a child is in 6 months, and within what limits it can vary.

How much is the average growth of a child in 6 months?

On average, the growth of the boy at 6 months is about 66, and the girls - 65 centimeters. Of course, these indicators are only averaged, and a slight deviation from them is not a violation. If the body length of a six-month-old boy is in the range of 63 to 69 centimeters, this should not cause any concern to either his parents or doctors. For girls, any indicator in the range from 62.5 to 68.8 centimeters is considered a similar norm.

In order to get acquainted with the average growth rates of a child under the age of one year and, in particular, at 6 months, the following table will help you:

It is clear that a healthy child should be added monthly in growth, so doctors estimate not only the absolute value of this biometric index, but also its increase in comparison with the period of newborn. So, normally at the time of execution of a crumb 6 months, the length of his body should increase by an average of 15 centimeters.

It should be understood that preterm infants who were born before the expected period, but do not have serious health problems, overtake their peers during the first year of life. Usually by the end of the first half of the baby's life, the values ​​of its height and weight also fall within the range of normal indicators, but in this case their increase from the moment of birth can be significantly higher than the average.

In any case, if the growth of your son or daughter is different from the normal values ​​for children at 6 months old, do not worry much and immediately suspect that he has serious illnesses. Sometimes it's enough just to look at both parents to understand why the baby is different in height from kids of similar age, because genetics plays a very important role in this matter.