Hairstyles for graduation 2015

A well-chosen and well-executed beautiful hairstyle at the graduation year 2015 will help complete the festive image, and sometimes become its central object, so that on such an important day a girl could feel like a real princess.

Hairstyles for long hair

Photos with hairstyles at the graduation year 2015, which are made on fashion shows and published in magazines, show us the desire of stylists to simplicity and, at the same time, to romanticism. Owners of long hair can choose from a wide range of styling and hairstyles, which will be equally relevant at this year's graduation balls. All kinds of braids will be popular: French, Russian, Greek, descending on the back or braided on one side. Hairstyles on the graduation can also be with a partial weave, when on one side of the hair plaits in the braid, and on the other - curl in curls. Spit can fit into the basket around the head or form a high beam. Decoration for such hairstyles can become stilettos with a variety of decorations in the upper part: pearls, stones or artificial flowers.

Classic high hairstyles at the prom is also relevant for long hair. It can be a lush ponytail - one of the most fashionable folds of this season - from smooth or wavy hair or traditional tufts, but in 2015 they should look a bit sloppy. Unacceptably large number of styling means, even better some of the strands are knocked out of the hairdo. They can be curled, creating the effect of wind-struck hair.

Hairstyles for medium hair

If your hair is medium in length, we recommend that you take a closer look at the various hairstyles and styling on the retro-style prom. These can be locks of different diameters, a "cockleshell" or a hair-babette hairdo. Especially such styling will look great, if the dress for the graduation is done in retro style. If this is not so, then make the image more modern help different curls, slight dishevelment and some strands that get out of the hair. Also for medium hair, stylists recommend all sorts of asymmetrical styling, when curled hair is combed on one side and fixed in this position with the help of pins or invisible.

Fashion hairstyles at the graduate for medium hair can also contain various elements of weaving, but the most edgy for this holiday will be voluminous luxuriant naches. It is not necessary that they were all over the head, you can thus select a strand of hair with a forehead or, conversely, create a volume on the vertex. If you want to amaze everyone at the feast, you can always resort to the help of overhead or hair extensions that will give the necessary volume and length to the styling.

Hairstyles for short hair

Most often the question is: what hairdo do for the prom? Specifically, it is the owner of short hair, since their choice is rather limited, but it's still interesting and festive to look. For girls with short hair in 2015, stylists offer various options for mischievous and youthful ways. You can wind the hair on a curling pin of small diameter or curlers, creating a kind of a hairdo afro, and then lay numerous curls on one side or leave in a creative mess. Another option: to create with the help of stowage a kind of "feathers" of hair, which will give the hair a mischievous and youthful appearance. And, of course, to help owners of short haircuts come a variety of hair accessories that can revitalize your hair: rims with flowers and stones, ribbons, decorative hair clips.