Actress Liv Tyler once again gathered under the wreath

The talented beauty Liv Tyler devotes herself entirely to the education of her sons and her personal life. However, this does not mean that the star of Armageddon is in a hurry to talk about loved ones with fans and journalists.

As it turned out, Liv has already been engaged to Dave Gardner, her lover for a long time!

For 10 months celebrities were able to keep the event so important secretly - this is a real record among the colleagues of the actress. Celebrities have become fashionable to make secrets from private events. This trend was supported by Steve Tyler's daughter.

Oh, I'm unhappy with marriage

- I used to be an adherent of the theory that you just need to marry someone you love and only once. Over time, the views have changed. Being in the relationship, the partners become peculiar reflections of each other - the realization of this can be just crazy, - Liv opened up.

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With Dave Gardner, the sports agent, the star meets the year before last. In February, a son was born to Liv, who was given the name Sailor.