Germanium - medicinal properties

At the time of the creation of the periodic table, germanium was not yet open, but Mendeleev predicted its existence. And 15 years after the report, an unknown mineral was discovered in one of the Freiberg mines, in 1886 a new element was identified from it. Merit belongs to the German chemist Winkler, who gave the element the name of his homeland. Even with a lot of useful properties of germanium, among which there was a place and a curative, it was used only at the beginning of the Second World War, and it is not very active. Therefore, even now it can not be said that the element has been well studied, but some of its abilities have already been proven and successfully applied.

Healing properties of germanium

In its pure form, the element does not occur, its allocation is laborious, so at the first opportunity it was replaced by cheaper components. At first it was used in diodes and transistors, but silicon was more convenient and accessible, so the study of the chemical properties of germanium continued. Now it is a part of thermoelectric alloys used in microwave devices, infrared technology.

Medicine was also interested in a new element, but a significant result was obtained only in the late 70-ies of the last century. The Japanese specialists managed to discover the curative properties of germanium and to outline the ways of their application. After tests on animals and clinical observations of the effect on humans, it was found that the element is capable of:

The complexity of use is the toxicity of germanium in large doses, so a drug was required that could have a positive effect on certain processes in the body with minimal harm. The first was "Germanium-132", which helps improve the immune status of a person, helps to avoid lack of oxygen in case of a drop in hemoglobin. Also, experiments have shown the effect of the element on the production of interferons that resist rapidly dividing (tumor) cells. The benefit is observed only when administered inside, wearing jewelry with germanium will not have any effect.

The lack of germanium reduces the natural ability of the body to resist external influences, which leads to various violations. The recommended daily dose is 0.8-1.5 mg. You can get the necessary element with regular consumption of milk, salmon, tomato juice , mushrooms, garlic and beans.