When does the umbilical cord disappear from the newborn?

As is known, during the entire period of the crumbs' stay in the mother's tummy, these two organisms are connected by a unique thread - the umbilical cord. It is through her that the unborn baby gets the nutrients he needs, and, above all, oxygen.

After the birth, the umbilical cord still pulsates. First, medical workers impose a special clamp on it, and after a short period of time they carefully cut it off. In joint births, it is often suggested that a new father be made to take part in the birth of his son or daughter.

Most often, if the child was born on time, and during the birth process there were no complications, the mother and the baby are discharged home with a small remainder of the umbilical cord. This piece must fall away spontaneously, it can not be helped at all. In this article, we will tell you when the umbilical cord is dropped from a newborn baby, and what to do after it happens.

When should the umbilical cord disappear from a newborn baby?

Most often it occurs approximately 10 days after the birth of the baby. Meanwhile, in some cases this may happen a little earlier, or, conversely, later. Admissible is the range from 4 to 14 days after the appearance of crumbs to light.

Do not try to accelerate the approach of this moment, because this is quite a natural process, and it must flow spontaneously.

The only thing you can do is provide free access to the baby's navel air. Thanks to air baths, the remainder of the umbilical cord will dry up a little faster and, accordingly, a little earlier will disappear.

On the site of the umbilical remnant, the infant has a small open market, behind which it is very important to take care of properly.

What to do when the umbilical cord falls off?

About how to properly care for the umbilical wound, you will necessarily tell the visiting nurse. She also you can ask all the questions of interest and consult if you are concerned about the condition of the baby's navel.

To ensure proper care of the wound, try to observe the following recommendations:

With proper care, the umbilical wound very quickly heals and can not create any complications for a tiny organism.