Can I lose weight in a week?

There are cases when it is necessary to get rid of excess weight in a short time, for example, before rest or responsible action. That's why the topic is topical - can you lose weight in a week, so as not to harm the body and get good results. There are basic dietary rules that will allow you to start the process of losing weight without harm to health.

Is it possible to lose weight in a week?

Today, you can find a huge number of extreme diets, which involve partial or complete refusal of food. Many are interested in how much you can lose weight if you starve for a week. During this time can go from three to five kilograms, but this causes health problems, for example, worsening metabolism, digestion, weakness is felt, etc. This is due to the fact that the body ceases to receive the necessary vitamins , minerals and other substances. In addition, when a person starts eating again, the kilograms are returned and usually in doubled quantities.

It is best to give preference to proper nutrition, figuring out what you need to eat to lose weight in a week. During this time, you can throw off at least one kilogram, because it all depends on the initial weight. In addition, the result can be increased if you play sports. There are several rules that should be considered when forming the menu for a week:

  1. Give up the sweet, fatty, baked, smoked and other unhealthy products.
  2. Start your morning with a glass of water, which will start the metabolism . It is recommended to drink water and for half an hour before a meal.
  3. Give preference to fractional food. It is best to eat five times a day, and portions should be small. Breakfast is the most important meal.
  4. Cook foods by baking, quenching, cooking or steaming.