Teaching cartoons for children

Young children, especially following the example of their parents, are beginning to get interested in television early, and very soon it is difficult to tear them away from viewing meaningless commercials or from incomprehensible cartoons that do not carry developmental load. An alternative can be educational cartoons for young children who develop in the child memory and imaginative thinking or can be a source of interesting and useful information for the child.

To select such cartoons is necessary taking into account the age of the baby: cartoons that teach flowers for small children will not be able to interest the preschooler studying the alphabet. In recent years, educational cartoons for children regularly appear on screens and parents can easily pick up one that will be useful for their child.

Teaching animated series for young children

When a child asks the parents every day a lot of questions on various topics, from which they are only remembered "how" and "why" - then it is for the help in such cases that babies "Babi Einstein" and similar "Baby Mozart", " Baby Shakespeare "or" Baby Da Vinci ". Quite good developing animated series can be considered Smesharikov or Luntika, but more than the semantic load of cognitive information is "Lessons of my aunt Owl." It is in this cartoon in an accessible form for children that answers the questions that the kid asks each day, and parents often do not know how to formulate the answers correctly.

A cartoon that teaches reading for children

Many parents want to teach the ABC of preschoolers, but in such a way that they do not discourage the pursuit of learning forever by the wrong approach. That is why special educational animations are created, where the alphabet is introduced for children, the rules for reading syllables and words, and all this in an entertaining game form. The child gradually learns the letters, the lessons are made taking into account the material passed, and at the same time does not take these lessons as real study, but only as a fun cartoon about letters and game. In addition to the "Lessons of my aunt Owl", the teaching reading includes cartoons "Speaking letters", "Casket with letters", "ABC for babies".

Cartoon, teaching children English

It has long been known that it is easiest to teach a child to foreign languages ​​at preschool age: it is during these years that children easily remember words and pronunciation. Training in these years on children's language courses is not always justified, but educational cartoons can be viewed at home at a convenient time.

The course of training in the form of a cartoon film is selected taking into account the age of the child, they help not only to quickly learn the meaning of words, but also to learn the alphabet of a foreign language. Among the popular courses that teach children English, you can note "Lessons of my aunt Owls", "Mazzy", "Gogo loves English", "Pingu loves English", "Magic English with the characters of Disney."

Teaching cartoons for preschool and primary school age

There are a lot of foreign and domestic educational cartoons, the purpose of which is to teach the child the skills of hygiene and personal safety, the basics of mathematics and natural sciences, familiarization with the world masterpieces of culture and art. These cartoons are designed for children of different ages, their goal is not only training, but also the development of the child's interest in science and art.

Among such cartoons can be mentioned "Three kittens", "Encyclopedia of know-it-all", "Fixiki", "Pochemochka", "World history", "We want to know everything", "Magic school bus". For schoolchildren, the animated series from the series "Once upon a time ... Pioneers ... Searchers", as well as an animated encyclopedia "Historical personalities".