Low-calorie fruit

Supporters of healthy and dietary nutrition, often eat fruit in unlimited quantities. It is also useful to arrange for yourself unloading days, eating only sweet fruits. However, not all of them are suitable for such active use because of the high content of carbohydrates and high caloric content.

Therefore, nutritionists recommend that during weight loss there are low-calorie fruits and berries. With them you do not have to worry about gaining weight and at the same time enjoy the delicacies every day, lifting your spirits. In this regard, recently many are interested in what kind of fruit is the most low-calorie? And the answer to this question you will find in our article.

Lowest calorie fruits

It is unequivocal to say in which fruit the lowest number of calories is impossible, because even these are different in different varieties of the same apple or pear. However, to determine what fruits are low-calorie, and which are not all the same possible.

The most harmless, for our figure are citrus fruits of nature. For example, in 100 grams of lemon there are only 21 calories, in an orange 37 kcal, in grapefruit 35 kcal, in mandarin 38 kcal. Such low-calorie fruits are sources of many vitamins and natural fat burners, which both improve all metabolic processes in the body and accelerate weight loss. Because they can be eaten at any time of the day, without remorse.

One of the most low-calorie fruits, which every summer we eat in large quantities is a watermelon - 25 calories and melon - 38 calories. Sweet, juicy fruits help not only to cheer up, but also to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Some of the most low-calorie fruits also include apples, they have only 45 calories; pears - 44 kcal; peaches - 47 kcal; apricots - 49 kcal. These foods improve the digestive system. Pears, peaches and apricots can act as a natural laxative, and help remove all harmful substances from the body.

Also the most low-calorie fruit is considered to be pineapples - 57 kcal; cherry - 52 kcal and kiwi - 66 kcal. The latter representative is especially good for losing weight, as it helps to burn fat reserves and removes excess fluid from the body.