Sign - a knife fell

Folk wisdom adds a special meaning to even the most innocuous phenomena in our life - for example, a fallen object. Very popular is the omen when the knife fell to the floor - for sure in this case you will involuntarily pop up in the memory of the words of someone from friends that it is "to the guests", and - male.

Sign - the knife fell off the table

From time immemorial forks and spoons symbolized the feminine, and the knife - the male. That is why the interpretation of such a proverb is so unambiguous. Moreover, there are different shades of general value, depending on how exactly this cutlery falls to the floor.

So, there are several options:

  1. The knife falls to the floor, knocking the handle. In this case, you should expect a man to visit you, which you know perfectly well.
  2. The knife fell with the blade down, and, moreover, stuck to the floor. In this case, the opinions of the people's sages are divided - some argue that a stranger will come to the house, and others - that someone will die in the house. However, at the expense of death there is an important addition - this only works if you cut bread.
  3. The knife fell, stuck to the floor and looks at you with a blade. This is the most unfortunate option, in this case, the sign predicts in your house a stranger with bad intentions.

It often happens that a person remains unhappy with the meaning of the omens, which he fell. However, there is a way to devote the intended.

How to reverse the omens?

If you disastrously do not want to see guests in the house, just raise the knife and immediately tap the back of his blade on the table, saying: "Sit at home!". People's wisdom says: your unfortunate guest should have unforeseen circumstances, and he will not be able to appear.

If you cut bread, the knife fell out of your hands and stuck into the floor - this is an extremely negative sign. Quickly pry it out and silently tap the back of the blade on the table. It is believed that this will reverse the negative significance of the omens.