A sign "to see a spider"

In most cases, "meetings" with spiders according to popular signs foreshadow joyous news and luck. However, the spider is a two-faced creature, since it is connected with the real and otherworldly world at the same time.

Spiders live in corners - places where spirits and dark forces often hide, negative energy accumulates. So, they are connected with the other world. To the real world, they are driven by diligence and weaving, symbolizing well-being. That's why there are so many interpretations of the signs to see the spider.

Time of day

Signs and superstitions about spiders can be classified in time, when you meet this insect, as well as in the direction of its movement.

So, to see a spider from the morning is considered a bad sign. On this day, you will be surrounded by bad news.

The reverse will happen if you met a spider on the street, after lunch. To especially lucky spider will crawl towards.

Movement of the spider

Most often we meet spiders at home. In any case, do not kill the insect, no matter how unpleasant it may be to you. Take the spider out onto the street, let it go its own way.

Most often, to see a house spider is considered a good sign, foreshadowing news. However, in order to understand what kind of news is waiting for you, sort out in the direction of his movement:

Where and from where?

It is also very important, from what place the spider descends and where it settles. So, about unexpected visitors and monetary receipts can say the descent of a spider from the ceiling straight to the head of one of the household. The black spider descending down, will bring the letter, lead.

And a spider says "about landing money" on the money profit. A spider crawling on the floor, talking about movement, changes. If he creeps from you - the changes will bypass you, if to you - on the contrary.


The web of a black spider above a bed often portends the betrayal between spouses, parting. But a white spider, located above the bed of an unmarried girl, talks about new love adventures and connections.

Whether to kill a spider?

People believed that if you kill a spider that crochets its webs on icons, you will receive a remission of 40 sins. In other cases, a sign to kill a spider means only misfortune.

In any case, whatever the meeting with this insect foreshadowed, as if from her you did not spoil the mood - do not kill spiders, because they are not the culprits of what is destined for us to survive.