Why not swim at night?

Visiting the bathhouse for the Slavs is an ancient tradition, with which a different number of legends and beliefs are associated. Over time, they became intertwined and with the usual adoption of a bath or shower. For example, today many are wondering if it is possible to swim at night. Since ancient times, people believed that water helps not only to cleanse the body, but it washes away existing sins and negative energy.

Why not swim at night?

Since ancient times, the Slavs believed that there is an unclean force in the bathhouse, so the washing process was a kind of ritual , which must be done so as not to bring disaster upon oneself. According to ancient legends in the bathhouse there is a banner that looks like a little old man. To him, as well as to the brownie, it is necessary to treat with respect, observing his rules. For example, the man should wash first, and then, only the woman. You can not scream or swear while taking a bath or shower, as this can anger the spirit. After carrying out hygienic procedures, it is necessary to leave a piece of soap, a broom and a little water in a scoop for the bannik.

Now let's move on to the most important thing and understand why you can not swim at night. It is believed that after sunset to the bathhouse, evil spirits come to visit, which means that people can expect various problems. By the way, since the place where a person is washed is associated with an evil spirit, it is here that it is customary to conduct various magical rituals and fortune-telling . In ancient times people even renounced God, removing the cross and putting it under the heel in the bathhouse.

Many are interested in whether you can swim at night in the black sea when absolutely nothing is visible. In the old days, people were afraid to go into the water, believing that there was a swarm of various evil spirits, which could be dragged to the bottom. Until now, many people are afraid of the dark abyss.