How to water onions from onion flies?

Experienced gardener know - to get a good harvest of onions, it is not enough to plant it properly and water it on time. It is necessary to be able to protect it from pests, the most dangerous and pernicious of which is the onion fly. The larvae of this insect are able in a few days to destroy the harvest of onions and garlic, which is called "on the vine".

How can you water onions from onion flies?

The struggle with the onion fly, however, as with other pests of onions, has its own peculiarities. And they are related to the features of the bow itself. The fact is that onions have the ability to accumulate harmful substances contained in chemical insecticides. Therefore, in order to protect it from pests, mostly more gentle folk remedies are used. What can be watered onions if a worm eats it? The greatest popularity among folk methods was obtained by irrigating the onion crops with solutions of common table salt, wood ash, kerosene and creolin.

How to properly water onions with salt?

To prepare a salt solution for watering onions, it is necessary to dissolve 0.3 kg of table salt in 1 bucket (10 liters) of water. To process this solution, onion beds are necessary when the onion's feathers grow to 8-10 cm. When salting, you need to be careful and water the beds so that the solution does not fall on the feather of the onion. When the solution is well absorbed, and it will happen in 2-3 hours, the beds should be abundantly watered with clean water. If necessary, this treatment can be repeated after 10-12 days. Strengthen the effect of watering with salt solution will help the addition of a small amount of ammonia in the water.

Although this method has been tested not by one generation of truck farmers, the introduction of a salt solution into the soil leads to loss of its fertility and inhibition of plants. So use it with a certain degree of caution.

How to properly water onion with kerosene?

Another way to save the onion from the onion fly is to pour it with a solution of kerosene. Although many of this method may seem unpleasant and even dangerous, in fact it is quite effective and does not cause harm to human health. To prepare the kerosene solution, take 2-3 spoons of kerosene and mix them in a bucket of water. As in the previous case, the treatment of the onion bed should be performed when the onion pen reaches 8-10 cm. Sprinkle onions with kerosene under the root, trying not to fall on the feather. A few hours after the treatment, the onion should be watered abundantly with clean water. Repeat treatment should be every 10-14 days.

You can also use a combined kerosene-salt solution, stirring 2 tablespoons of kerosene and 1 glass of salt in a bucket of water.

How to properly water onion Creole?

Quite often in specialized forums, you can also find enthusiastic reviews about the use in fighting the onion fly and creolin. But this drug is quite toxic, and its use is only as the most extreme measure, when other methods do not give the desired result. To treat onion crops, usually use a solution of Creole in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per bucket of water. Watering the beds is exactly the same as in the previous cases - for the first time after the feathers reach the length of 8-10 cm, repeating the treatment three weeks after.

What else can you water onions from onion flies?

Good results in the fight against the onion fly are given by the use of the infusion of a dandelion root (200 grams of root infused in 10 liters of water for 14 days), infusion of tobacco dust (brew 200 grams of dust in 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap and insist in for 2 days) and a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.