Cucumbers for open ground

Crispy, juicy cucumber is grown by almost every owner of the infield or cottage. Who will refuse to eat a vegetable torn from his own garden? However, the variety of the seed market may puzzle a new gardener. To help a little, we will talk about popular varieties of cucumbers for open ground.

Cucumbers by the date of fruiting

Among the early cucumbers for open ground, the lovers of summer residents use such varieties as high-yielding Masha F1, Zyatek F1, Zozulya F1 and Muromsky, resistant to diseases. Graceful, Competitor, Hermann F1. Among the middle-aged varieties are popular Rodnichok F1, Nezhinsky, Phoenix, Lukhovitsky F1, Picas F1, Athlete F1, Libelle F1. A good harvest can please the late-ripening varieties of ogrotsov - Aquarius, Kapelka, Golubchik.

Cucumbers by the method of pollination

Among the bee-dusted varieties of cucumbers are Nezhinsky 12, Alphabet F1, Faithful friends F1, Compass F1. Parthenocarpic cucumbers form fruits, but they are tied without seeds. This is Connie F1, Claudia F1. However, the most popular, of course, are self-polluting varieties - Cupid F1, Spring F1, Zozulya F1, Orpheus F1.

Bundt cucumbers for open ground

In recent years, the growing number of cucumber, in the nodes of which is formed instead of three ovaries ten. As a result, the yield of cucumbers in the open field is high. Ogro-gardeners often plant early German varieties F1 on their lands, Be healthy, Anyuta F1, Buyan F1, Puffin F1.

Cucumbers of open ground

This group of cucumbers is distinguished by a short length of the whip (30-50 cm) and a bushy growth form. Thanks to this variety are early ripening, good yield. The variety of bush is valued for its taste qualities. It is often used varieties Kid, Shorty.

Open cucumber cornichons

There are lovers of cucumbers of small size (5-7 cm), called cornichons, which are used for pickling. This is the sort of the Son of the F1 Regiment, Angel F1, Philipp F1, Moth F1.

Cucumbers by the way of application

Salad cucumber, which is thick and skin, is used in raw form and for salads . The best salad varieties are considered to be the April F1, the Altai early 166, the Phoenix, the Graceful, the Zozulya F1. Salted varieties, whose fruits with a thin skin, covered with black spines, perfectly absorbing brine, are excellent for conservation. Such varieties as Muromsky, Rodnichok, Nezhinsky, Altai, Voronezhsky, Herman, Salt F1 are popular. There are also universal cucumbers, which can be used for different purposes - fresh, for marinating and pickling. Experienced gardener give preference to such varieties as Dachniy, Libelly, Zhuravlenok, Sagittarius, Golubchik.