Gazania - cultivation

Gazania (gatsaniya or as it is called in the common people - South African chamomile) is a flower from the family of poplar flowers. Since it was accustomed to grow in a hot climate in the African region, when grown in the middle belt, it can be regarded as an annual plant. If there is gas in your area, then for sure you will be interested to know that its height can reach 30 cm, depending on the variety that is planted on the site.

Gazania has flowers of extraordinary beauty, which are revealed only under the influence of direct sunlight. All the rest of the time the buds remain closed.

Since the plant is exotic for our region, it is practically not subject to attack by insects.

Gazania: planting in the ground, growing and caring for the plant

The plant is best planted in a well-lit area to provide a constant light source. If it is at least a little shaded, then it will not bloom.

For its cultivation, an easy nutrient-rich soil is suitable. Approximately three weeks after planting, it is necessary to produce the first fertilizing with a mineral fertilizer intended for garden plants. Further, it is necessary to continue to systematically feed the gas, so that it gives as many buds as possible. And in this case they will bloom longer.

Gazania is a drought-resistant plant, so it does not need too much watering. But watering it is still necessary, especially in droughty weather. Otherwise, its flowers will grow smaller and grow less intensively.

Despite the fact that gazaniya able to survive and the first freezing, in the cold season, it may die. Therefore, you can carefully dig a plant, transplant it into a pot and put it on a glassed balcony. If you keep the air temperature at 10 degrees and moderately water the plant, then it can safely move the wintering. And in spring, the gas can again be planted in the ground. However, when growing it in a pot, do not forget about the drainage hole inside it.

You can propagate the plant both with seeds and cuttings.

Gazania: growing seedlings from seeds

Since the plant has a long growing season (80-100 days), it is best to grow it through seedlings.

Before planting the gas, it is necessary to prepare the soil: leaf and sod land, humus, sand and peat are suitable for planting.

In March, you can start sowing seeds to a depth of not more than one centimeter. The ambient temperature should be kept at 22-24 degrees. Then the first shoots you can see in 8-10 days. Seedlings need to be dived one by one in separate pots before the first leaf appears.

After the seedlings are rooted, it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers once a month.

If there is dry weather, then water should be used as sparingly as possible, but abundantly.

You should also temper the plant: in the daytime place in direct sunlight, and at night accustom to low temperatures.

Periodically, faded branches are removed to speed up the formation of new flowers.

If you sow seeds in early April, then the first buds can blossom already in July.

Gazania: propagation by cuttings

If you want to propagate the plant with cuttings, then in July-August you need to cut off the lateral shoots at the base of the stem. In order for the cuttings to take root, they are previously kept in a solution of the growth regulator (naphthylacetic acid or indolyl-butyric acid). In the early days it is necessary to provide protection from drafts and direct sunlight. The ambient temperature should be 15-18 degrees. If necessary, the cuttings should be watered.

Gazania is widely used in landscape design: it can be planted to decorate curbs, flower beds, street containers and rock garden.