Gypsum brick for interior decoration

A very fashionable trend in the repair of an apartment or apartment house was the interior decoration with plaster brick. This wall decoration has several advantages:

  1. The material used for manufacturing is absolutely harmless, so gypsum brick can be used for interior finishing of children's rooms, and it does not cause allergies, which is very relevant for some people.
  2. The material is light enough, it is not difficult to transport, carry, and also work with it does not require much professional experience.
  3. Natural natural stone is cumbersome and it is quite difficult to work with it, it requires a professional. Gypsum stone imitates natural, while it is much thinner, smaller in size, suitable for installation in small apartments.
  4. It is very difficult to ensure that natural stones are well matched and fit tightly to each other, when using gypsum brick this problem does not arise.
  5. Building products made of gypsum, with the addition of modifying additives, can have different configurations, as well as have a variety of colors, which if desired, easily changed, repainted in any other, like the color.
  6. The indisputable advantage is the price of a gypsum product, it is much lower than the price of a stone.
  7. All these advantages, which gypsum brick possesses, allow you to make a choice in its favor, when you decide on the choice of material for wall finishing, indoors.

Decorative gypsum brick

For interior decoration of premises for various purposes decorative gypsum brick is used. Stylishly and elegantly look the walls, not finished entirely, but fragmented, while it is important to carefully and carefully choose the finishing materials, harmoniously combined with the decorative brick.