Pineapple - calories

Homeland of pineapple is South America, and this tropical fruit was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. First, pineapple was used only as a table decoration, and it was very expensive, so only a wealthy people could afford this wonderful fruit, hence the second name is "royal fruit". Over time, mankind appreciated the unusual taste, marvelous aroma and useful properties of pineapple. Today it is consumed in fresh, dried, canned form, the popularity of pineapple is also largely due to the low caloric content and its ability to help the beautiful half in the fight against the most hated problem - cellulite.

Calorie content of pineapple

Nutritionists are advised to use this tropical fruit during a variety of diets for weight loss. The caloric content of fresh pineapple is only 52 kcal per 100 g, it has already been proved that after using pineapple in the blood, serotonin level increases, due to which the excess fluid leaves the body and at the same time the feeling of hunger is dulled. Also in the composition of this fruit is manganese, which also contributes to weight loss, this element contributes to the acceleration of the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Another excellent property of pineapple is its ability to effectively combat cellulite. In the pineapple is a substance called bromelain , easily digestible and quickly penetrating the fibers of the skin affected by cellulite, this substance cleaves proteins and completely removes them from the body, thereby making the problem areas smoother and more elastic. Of course, to make the result as positive as possible, do not forget about sports.

Today, pineapple is used not only fresh, but also in canned, in dried, etc. The caloric content of canned pineapple is not much higher than fresh and is 60 kcal per 100 g, so the use of this fruit in canned form will not spoil your figure in any way.

As for dried pineapple, its calorie content is much higher and is 347 kcal per 100 g. Such a delicacy is no longer dietary and excessive consumption can spoil the figure. This applies to candied fruits from pineapple, the calorie content of which is 340 kcal per 100 g. However, if during the weight loss process you want a sweetie, then it is better to eat a few candied fruits, as. they are among the most low-calorie desserts.