Getting a hamster, you in due course will want to arrange to it a hygienic procedure that he again became pure and tidy. Although these animals also belong to the cleanliness and keep a good eye on the purity of the fur coat, sometimes sometimes a single wash with paws is not enough. Whether it is possible to bathe a hamster, if it is obviously dirty or parasites have gotten up - many owners of rodents are asking this question.
Do I need to wash hamsters?
There is no question of a regular bathing of a hamster, as every contact with water delivers him stress. There are situations when the animal is very dirty or you notice parasites on it (which happens very rarely). When asked whether it is possible to bathe hamsters in this case, the answer will be positive. Nevertheless, the procedure should be carried out very carefully, making sure that water and foam do not get into his eyes, ears and mouth.
Bathing a hamster in the sand
The most optimal and recommended by veterinarians is to use sand for bathing hamsters. It is advisable to purchase a special mixture in the pet store for this. You can be offered as an alternative to sand for chinchillas, but it is undesirable to use it, because it is too shallow, and the hamster, when inhaled, can damage its lungs.
To clean a pet's fur in this way, you do not need to take part in the procedure of direct participation. You should simply put in a cage a container with sand, and the hamster will do everything yourself. It looks like skating and somersault alternating with washing. In the process of such a procedure, all dirt and grease are wiped off the fur, so the pet becomes clean and fluffy. Moreover, natural clawing occurs, which is also a positive result of such bathing.
Can I bathe a hamster in water?
The opinions of veterinarians about water procedures are applicable to hamsters somewhat diverge. So, one completely denies the need for bathing in the water, referring to the stress experienced by the animal in the process. Others still allow washing the hamster, but only if urgently needed. How to bathe a hamster, when neither sand nor wiping with a damp napkin does not help in the struggle for cleanliness - this will be discussed a little lower.
How to properly bathe a hamster?
So, we came very close to the question of how to wash a hamster:
- The water should be warm, with a temperature just above room temperature.
- The use of shampoo is acceptable in the presence of parasites or in severe contamination. It should be a special remedy, but not human shampoos.
- After immersing the hamster in a bath with water, you can not leave it unattended for a moment. Carefully watch that foam and water do not fall on his face.
- Foam shampoo should be with one finger, so as not to provoke the formation of excessive foam.
- At the end of soaping, the foam should be washed off thoroughly, rinsing the fur of the animal.
- You can not immediately release the hamster. After bathing it must be completely dried. First, it is wiped with a soft towel, then the hair is dried with a hair dryer switched on at the lowest speed and temperature.
- Only after making sure that the pet is completely dry and not cold, you can return it to the cage.
How to wash Dzhungar hamsters?
For these lovely crumbs, there are 3 main ways of bathing - in sand, in water and using wet wipes. Sand baths are considered the safest. We already wrote about how to bathe hamsters in the sand. Again, you will need a small tank type and special sand for bathing hamsters. Dzhungar hamster will be more than happy to "splash" in such a bathroom, bringing his fur coat in order.
As for water procedures and whether it is possible to bathe a hamster in this way, many argue that the Djungar hamsters carry them better than other breeds, since their natural habitat presupposes the presence of water bodies, and bathing for them is a natural process. Growing up in captivity individuals will still experience stress, but there are many who adore bathing in the water. They can long and with rapture to splash around in the bath, and yet you should not allow them this too often.
The third option - wiping a hamster with moist cotton pads and napkins, is used in cases when he himself can not cope with pollution. It is advisable to use baby napkins for this purpose, since they do not contain flavors and alcohols harmful to the rodent. After such a rub, the pet should also be dried with a hairdryer or a towel.
How to wash Syrian hamsters?
Is it possible to bathe a Syrian hamster and what kind of hygienic procedures are acceptable to him - the usual question of breeders. Like representatives of most other breeds, Syrian hamsters do not like to swim in the water, besides, they can get cold from this, especially long-haired ones . How to wash hamsters in case of emergency: they can be rinsed quickly under a weak stream of water, and then thoroughly dried. To mitigate the stressful situation, you can give them a homeopathic sedative. It is safer and easier to use wet wiping with napkins or bathing in the sand.
How often are hamsters washed?
As has been repeatedly said, bathing hamsters in the water - the procedure is by no means regular and permissible only with acute necessity. In all other cases, hamsters either cope with hygiene independently, being animals by nature extremely clean, or you can help them by offering a sand or chalk bath. The second option allows the constant presence of sand / chalk in the cage, then the hamster will be able to regulate the frequency of hygiene procedures.