Prayer cleaning

We take a shower every day to wash off the daytime dirt that accumulates on our skin and hair from exhaust gases, dust, fumes and everything else. But few of us come to mind purifying with prayers, purifying the soul, karma and aura. After all, diseases, our and other people's evil thoughts, especially the spoiling and evil eye, even if passed and defeated, leave their imprint on our energy body.

In addition to the soul, you can also clean the house aura. Very often, spoilage is directed to the house to cover all its inhabitants, or the damage imposed on one of the tenants goes to the energy of the house, and affects all others. We move, buy and rent apartments and houses, in which often someone lived before us. What happened here, who lived and how - we do not know. But the former tenants, having left, take away only their belongings, and the energy trace remains.

We will begin cleaning our soul with prayers for cleaning the house.

Clean the house

To clean the house, you can bring a priest, or, do everything yourself, cleaning his aura with prayers.

To do this you will need church candles and an empty apartment.

To begin, read the "Our Father":

"Our Father, Who art in heaven!"

Hallowed be Thy name,

Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

as in heaven and earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtor;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For yours is the kingdom and power and glory for ever.


Pick up a candle and light it. Stand facing the front door and start walking along all the walls clockwise facing them. At each corner stop, three times crossed the corner of the candles.

So, go through all the walls, and the corners, which are covered with furniture, to which you can not reach out consecrate in the distance. Back you must again face to the front door. Here, put out the candle with your fingers and read again "Our Father". This prayer should be read at the beginning and end of any business.

But that is not all.

Now we need to clean up the prayers and conspiracies of all mirror surfaces, including built-in mirrors. Mirrors absorb and emit energy, to clean them you need to take a new candle.

Light the candle and, approaching each mirror surface, read the "Our Father" and cross the three candles.

The same should be done with icons, pictures and photographs of people who hang on walls or stand in photo frames on any surfaces.

After that, you need to put out the candle with your fingers and throw out the cinder.

What could happen during the cleaning?

If your candle "shot", flowed with black heat, then, in the house a lot of negative things accumulated, and the fire "burned" all the evil. This is normal. If, however, the candle passes through the passage (which indicates the presence of spoilage or evil eye in the house), you must return to the front door and start the procession first.

During this ritual, you can yawn, cough, you can vomit, embrace hiccups - all this confirms that the energy (and yours, and your house) is heavily polluted.

This cleaning should be done again a week later, and a month later. It is advisable to continue to do cleaning at least once in the half-year.

Karma cleaning music

You can clean your own karma with prayers, even when you are engaged in something and do not have the opportunity to perform rituals. Lucein Shamballani and Vitaly Vedun recorded a joint album with prayers for cleaning the aura.

Shamballani is a composer, and Vedun is a white magician. Together they combined prayers and conspiracies for the purification of people suffering from infirmities, evil eye, evil spells, and simply wanting to "clean up".

The duration of all songs on the album is 27 minutes. This is one session. It is necessary to hold three sessions - to include the album for three days in a row. Then carry out prophylaxis in a week, and a month later. If you are spoiled or the evil eye, you will feel unwell, you may feel dizzy. But during these 27 minutes everything will pass.