Mask for hair with sea buckthorn oil

The chemical composition of sea buckthorn oil is rich in various vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It can be used to restore severely damaged hair, it can restore shine and natural strength to them. In addition, absolutely any mask for hair with sea buckthorn oil will save those who have symptoms of baldness.

What is useful mask with sea buckthorn oil?

Regular application of various hair masks based on sea buckthorn oil makes even very thin strands stronger, shiny and prevents their loss. Also such a cosmetic product:

Masks with natural sea-buckthorn oil help to quickly eliminate dandruff.

How to make a mask with sea buckthorn oil?

For the best hair growth, it is best to make a warm mask with sea buckthorn oil. For this you need:

  1. 30 ml of oil to heat (it is worth doing on a water bath).
  2. Carefully rub it into the roots.
  3. Then distribute all the strands.

A good restoring property is a mask for hair with sea buckthorn oil and dimexide . To make it:

  1. Mix 10 ml of dimexide, egg yolk and 25 ml of oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to the entire din of the hair, so the owner of the curls is below the shoulders, it is better to double the number of all components.

Beneficially affects the hair of any type of mask with natural sea-buckthorn oil and cognac. It is made from 20 g of butter and 15 ml of cognac. The ingredients are mixed and first applied to the skin, and then to all the strands for about 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure twice a week, but only for 2 months. Then it's worth a month's break.

If you want to quickly get rid of dandruff:

  1. Mix the sea buckthorn oil with a slightly warm olive oil (in proportion 1 to 2).
  2. After applying the mixture on the hair and skin, you must always put on a cap made of polyethylene.

This tool can be used no more than 2 times a week.

To restore very dry split ends, you need to regularly make a mask for hair with natural burdock and sea buckthorn oil. For its preparation it is necessary:

  1. Mix 10 ml of one and the other oil.
  2. After that, the mixture needs to be heated.
  3. Do you want the problem of split hair no longer bothering you? Add 2-3 drops of vitamin E or A.

Those who have the first signs of baldness, you need to make a mask with natural sea buckthorn oil and Tritizanol. It in a short period of time will increase blood circulation in the cutaneous covering of the head and saturate the hair follicles with useful substances. To make it, mix 10 ml of oil, 10 g of Tritizanol and egg yolk.