Acne on the head - how do rashes threaten and how to treat them?

A very unpleasant, albeit very rare phenomenon, which causes acne on the head under the hairline, is due to various reasons. Unlike rashes on the face, acne on the scalp is not noticeable, but this does not mean that they do not require treatment. Serious consequences of this can be the formation of scarring and hair loss.

Why does acne appear on my head?

Before starting to treat acne on the head in the hair, you need to find out what triggered their appearance. Often, rashes on the scalp are folliculitis - an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the hair follicles, to which the sebaceous and sweat glands are brought. To contribute to the development of inflammation, various factors can be subdivided into external and internal factors. Consider them.

External causes:

These factors lead either to the direct penetration of the infection into the hair follicles, or to a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin and impaired gland activity. As a result, there is a blockage of glands and inflammation affecting surrounding tissues. Infection can be bacterial or viral, less often represented by fungal pathogens.

Internal provoking factors may be as follows:

Purulent pimples on the head

If the pimples on the head are tubercles filled with pus, this indicates a bacterial inflammatory lesion. In most cases, the culprits are staphylococci . When such pimples on the scalp under the hair appear in small amounts and have small dimensions, one can speak of a superficial lesion. In more severe cases, the inflammation covers the entire follicle, and then the pimples are large, prone to fusion.

Red pimples on the head

Formed acne on the head in the hair of red women is more likely to be the initial stage of bacterial inflammation, and after 1-2 days they are transformed into pustules. Another possible cause may be the defeat of the herpes virus. In rare cases, red rashes of this localization are diagnosed as acne-like syphilis - a consequence of syphilis , a pale treponema caused by the bacterium.

Painful pimples on the head

Asking why the pimples on the head appeared, you should carefully examine their appearance, identify the accompanying manifestations. Often, the rashes are accompanied by soreness, the intensity of which can be used to judge the depth of the inflammatory focus and the severity of the lesion. If, in addition to pain, there is also an itch, and the pain spreads beyond the rash, the herpes zoster , caused by herpes, is not excluded.

Herpetic eruptions on the head

With herpesvirus infection, acne on the head itches, it hurts, looks like numerous bubbles on a red background, which later turn into yellowish crusts and sores. The lesion can be caused by close contact with the person carrying the infection in the presence of fresh lesions on the scalp or activation of herpes zoster in the body against the weakening immune forces.

How to get rid of acne on the head?

If there are acne on the head, it is worth to consult a dermatologist and carry out a diagnosis. In cases where rashes are a symptom of serious malfunctions, it is necessary to determine the scheme of treatment of the underlying disease:

  1. In cases of hormonal disorders, hormone-containing drugs (Duphaston, Estradiol succinate, etc.) are prescribed.
  2. In case of problems with the digestive tract, enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb, etc.), hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Allochol, etc.), enzymes (Pancreatin, Festal, etc.), probiotics (Linex, Lactobacterin, etc.) and etc.
  3. Herpetic lesion is treated with the use of specific antiviral agents (Acyclovir, Famciclovir, etc.), immunostimulating drugs (Immunal, Cycloferon, etc.).
  4. If extensive and deep bacterial pimples on the head are diagnosed, the treatment may include oral antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, etc.).
  5. Often with different problems vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin C, B and zinc are prescribed.

In other cases, sufficient measures to get rid of acne on the head are:

Shampoo for acne on the head

To heal pimples on the head in the hair, it is important to choose a good shampoo, suitable for the type of hair. In light cases, children's shampoos can become a universal option, they do not have aggressive components, they are soft and hypoallergenic. In more severe cases, it is better to buy a therapeutic shampoo, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Let's give examples of similar shampoos:

Ointment for acne on the head in the hair

Choosing what to treat acne on the head, you need to discuss with your doctor the question of using external means for the immediate treatment of rashes. To do this, you can use solutions of antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, salicylic alcohol, iodine solution, etc.), but the best effect will be to provide drugs in the form of ointments that have antibacterial, drying, anti-inflammatory effect. These ointments include:

Acne on the head - treatment with folk remedies

With such a problem as acne on the head, folk methods will help to achieve a positive result sooner. For example, you can use these methods:

  1. Instead of shampoo use tar or household soap;
  2. Add a couple of drops of essential oil of tea tree, cedar or rosemary to the shampoo;
  3. Rinse your head after washing with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or calendula;
  4. Apply a warm lotion of strong saline to the sites of inflammation.
  5. A good effect is given by a clay mask from acne on the head.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation and use:

  1. Clay dilute with water, add the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Apply the composition to the scalp, warm it.
  3. Wash off after 20 minutes. pimples are red on the head