Self-awareness of personality

It is a mistake to say that scientists have been studying the nature of human self-consciousness for many years. Only recently it has undergone a detailed study. So, it is worth noting that the self-consciousness of the individual is a certain fixation of one's own "I", the ability to isolate oneself from the environment.

Moral self-awareness of personality

At an early age, every person goes through the period of the formation of moral consciousness. For young children, parents and teachers are an example for imitation, and adolescents tend to listen more to their inner voice and personal experience. At an early age, an individual view of the environment is formed, a worldview that changes after a while. In the period of adolescence, there is personal stability: in the minds of a girl or a young man thoughts arise about determining their own significance in this world.

It is important to know that the line of human behavior determines his understanding of the meaning of life. If it is the most humane, not harmful to the world around us, then this will give a greater moral strength to such a person. Moreover, this internal potential will help in resolving the life difficulties that have arisen. The moral ideal helps to strive for perfection, developing and strengthening the strength of will, ability . The content of the moral ideal has much to say about the person's personality. Each of us values ​​our values, which are able to determine the main type of human activity and, in general, its further development.

Self-awareness of personality in psychology

No development of the personality is possible without its self-awareness. The latter arises from the moment of the birth of a person and can change in the process of character formation. Each child separates himself from others, but during contact with the surrounding world, he unconsciously tries on the role of other people. Thus, he perceives himself, adjusting his actions, under himself, in general, under the evaluation of adults, to their opinion of him.

Self-consciousness is formed along with mental development, until about adolescence. Personality behaves in accordance with their ideas about the world, other people, about themselves and accumulated knowledge. The personal image of each arises from observations, analysis of one's own actions, thoughts.

On the basis of self-consciousness, self-esteem and self-esteem are formed. It is self-awareness and self-esteem of the personality that trigger the regulatory mechanism that makes a person improve. And the consciousness and self-awareness of the individual are inseparable components. The first can carry out its activities, function, only based on the second.

Self-awareness and self-realization of personality

Self-improvement of personality is closely connected with self-consciousness. On its basis, each person tries to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities. Human wisdom does not know the boundaries of religion, science, art, and everyday life. According to many thinkers, self-realization of man consists in finding the best match between his abilities and the conditions of their application. This way is very difficult, but it is in the search for harmony between personal skills and their realization that the meaning of human life is.

When solving the problem of self-realization, it is important to know that it is about internal comprehension. Perfection will become more effective if it is subordinated to certain goals, therefore, each person should find out what exactly he should strengthen and develop in himself. After all, it can not be forced to perfection, but its own imperfection, usually, is taken by surprise.

Each of us must study and explore our self-consciousness. Based on this, we can determine our own interests, direction in development and outlook on life. Thus, we will learn to understand the motives and results of our actions, and also we are aware of who we really are.