Carved candles

Perhaps, the best gift is the one made by own hands with great love and diligence. Carved candles are handmade - an excellent option, it is suitable for any occasion - whether it's New Year or Birthday.

To make such a miracle, you need some level of skill, and also patience and creative inspiration. We bring to your attention a small master class on making carved candles, after which you can try to surprise your friends and relatives with original gifts.

We make carved candles with our own hands

We need some equipment for carved candles:

Forms for carved candles can be made independently, you can use for this purpose special finished samples. Everything begins with pouring the heated paraffin into this form. You do not need to lubricate it. After - correctly fix the wick and patiently wait for the candle to freeze.

When this happens, carefully remove the candle from the mold. In special baths we heat paraffin, we add various paints.

We begin painting our future candle. We hold it for the wick and lower it into the first bath with colored liquid paraffin. At this point, a layer of colored material grows on our workpiece. After each dipping in colored paraffin, we dip the billet into the water to solidify and fix the color.

Repeat the process with all the colors, not forgetting to fix each new layer. For best effect, you need to alternate contrasting colors, sometimes adding a white layer. In total it is necessary to dip the workpiece about 35-40 times. Then you can start cutting the picture.

Cutting a Pattern

The finished painted preform is fixed in a suspended state with the help of a wick. Although you can not do this and work with a candle that is not suspended.

We take in hand a special knife, cut off the top layers. We open the inner colors of the candle. Immediately bend the cut layers into different patterns - waves, bows, curls. Then you can show all your imagination.

The main thing is to observe the right cutting angle, to know how this or that pattern is made. The most important rule is to do everything quickly, while the paraffin is soft. While it's warm, it succumbs to all the metamorphoses that we make with a candle.

When the patterns are ready, we lower the candle into a container with cold water for complete hardening. Now you can please your work with art of relatives and friends - none of them will remain indifferent to such a gift.

Do not be afraid to start

Many people think that making carved candles is a very difficult task that they will never be able to master. Cast aside these doubts! Nobody says what happens the first time. But the end result of the work should inspire you to study.

Today, ready-made sets of equipment for manufacturing hand-carved candles are on sale. It includes both forms, and colors, and knives, and containers for painting, and even paraffin itself.

Once you learn how to make such candles, you can not limit yourself to gifts for loved ones, but start making candles on order. Believe me, this is a real opportunity to start a small but profitable business that does not require huge financial investments and large areas. You can do this at home by allocating a small space or room.

On the eve of various holidays "with hurray" candles of the corresponding subjects will disperse. And there are a lot of holidays in the year: the Day of Lovers, and March 8, and the New Year. You can make candles for wedding salons - carved candles are becoming an increasingly popular attribute of wedding celebrations.

Having gained mastery, you yourself can give master classes for beginners. This concerns not only the manufacture of candles, but also candlesticks . So, you have boundless possibilities ahead of you. Start small and you will succeed!