Conspiracy to lose weight

Among women who believe in magic, effective popular plots for weight loss are very popular. The main principle of such a tool is the impact on the energy of a person who will fight with extra pounds. It is very important to pronounce the conspiracy to lose weight in the right emotional state, thoughts should be only positive, and it is also important to believe in a good result. Conspiracies can help reduce appetite and accelerate metabolism.

Several rules of effective conspiracy to lose weight

  1. The words of conspiracy must be only positive, without any aggression .
  2. To speak the conspiracy is necessary during the period of the decline of the moon.
  3. All conspiracies have their own specific rhythm and vibration, which affects the energy of man.
  4. Pronounce the plot in a whisper and calmly.
  5. It is best to conduct the ritual on an empty stomach.
  6. Try to completely exclude aggression and envy from the life of the conspiracy. It is not recommended to tell someone that you are going to lose weight this way.

Examples of effective conspiracies

  1. In order to reduce appetite, take not a faceted glass, pour water into it and say 3 times: "Water girl, sea queen! You baptize people and wash. Take away from me your great strength the great hunger, so that he does not torture me, take out of me a passion for food, so as not to think and do not want to. As a wise man does not eat, does not drink, but lives in prayers, so you, the virgin maiden, strengthen me to abstinence from the dishes. So be it! " . After this, you need to gradually drink water.
  2. At sunset, light the red candle and say the following words: "In the black and blue sea, hunger is on constipation. Hunger is not allowed to go out, the slave (s) of God (her) (name) of the mare do not know. Hungry - insomnia, get out, dissolve on all sides of the world. My eyes are asleep, do not tug your soul. As the nights are, so I do not know grief. As the nights can melt, the eyes can sleep, the body does not break the hunger. The word is said, the knot is bandaged. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen . " After that, put out the candle, but do not blow it, and put it under the pillow. Wash your hands, put on red linen, read "Our Father" and go to bed. Such a ritual must be performed daily until the new moon.

The Magic of Voodoo

Voodoo conspiracy to lose weight has a huge power and energy. This kind of strong magic was very popular in the ancient world. It is best to use the plot on Monday or Friday. It is believed that the use of water greatly enhances the effect of the conspiracy. Scientifically proven that it has energy. In order for this method to work, it is necessary to know the cause of the appearance of excess weight. It can be overeating, health problems and the like. The Voodoo conspiracy helps you not only lose weight, but also get rid of the cause of excess weight. Write magic words on paper and read them when you feel hungry. To conduct a ritual, you need to go to the river in the evening and draw water downstream. After that, you need to speak the water, saying the following words:

I go (Name) on an evening, I'll get to the river quickly, I'll get the water from the river and talk to her: "The first water is big, and behind it there is little water, the last water expires, so let the fat melt on my body." This water came into my vessel, and from the body of white the fullness has departed. And how this water will go away on the river, just the same fat from me, slaves (Name), will come down.

After these words, the water is poured back into the river and pronounced the following:

It's true that this pitcher does not go home by himself, so it's true that fat will come down from my bodies. And which word is forgotten - live, and which word is smoothed - die. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen Amen.