Conditions of mental development

Man is a social being and his development must take place in a society surrounded by his own kind. The source and the main condition of mental development are from the outside. There, in society, a person perceives the experience of other people. True, this is not just the absorption of information, it is the exchange that is necessary to assess the surrounding people and the formation of self-esteem .

Under the normal confluence of the conditions of a person's mental development, morality, principles, character, preferences, interests, will, abilities are formed. That is, all that we call "humane".

Three conditions of mental development

There are only three conditions for normal mental development. All of them cover a very wide scope:

With the normal functioning of the brain, everything is clear - if a child is born with genetic defects of the brain, it is not necessary to talk about the standard development of the personality.

Communication is the first part of interaction with society. The natural need of a person in communication is, in fact, the need to know oneself and other people. We want to evaluate and be appreciated. We form the vision of our own "I" only through communication and interaction with the world.

The activity of the individual is the second half of the concept of interaction with the world. Man not only accepts, but gives. Activity is the norm of development, and its absence indicates a defect. We exhibit motor, auditory and visual activity since birth. Infants impulsively move their limbs, they carefully look, listen and express their feelings and look and sound.

By nature we are actively interacting with each other. Therefore, society affects the development of the individual only indirectly, interacting, and not saturating information.