Where to buy ginger?

Ginger - this is the root crop, which came to us from the countries of Asia. In Thailand, China, Korea and Japan they are used in cooking a wide variety of dishes. There he is loved for his bright, spicy, burning and unusual taste, as well as his remarkable health-improving properties. Now his popularity has increased significantly in the west. Fortunately, it is very easy to acquire. Many people think that you can buy ginger only in a pharmacy or a specialized store, but it's not.

Where to buy fresh ginger?

Fresh ginger root is perfectly stored in a cool environment, even if you cut it off from time to time. Find it on sale - not a problem, especially in large cities.

The very first place to go for ginger is the market. In the departments with vegetables and fruits you can see a box with light brown roots of bizarre shapes - this is ginger. Do not store it too much - it is spent very economically, and for starters you can take only 1-2 roots. It all depends on how you decide to use it - it takes very little to tea, but if you decide to make pickled ginger, you will need more raw materials.

If there are small tents near your house with fruits and vegetables, it makes sense to look into them. Despite the fact that ginger - a product outlandish, because of its excellent long-term storage, many merchants add it to their assortment. During storage, it saves all its amazingly useful properties in full, so you can not be afraid to come across a too old fruit. Remember: in norm it is quite light, elastic, with clear lines, without flabbiness. Root of this kind can be safely purchased and used in the preparation of dishes and drinks.

Modern supermarkets are trying to maximize the range, so you can look for the root of ginger in the fruit and vegetable department, if you do not have time to go to the market or look for a bench with the appropriate assortment.

Of course, you always have such an option, like ordering ginger in the online store. In this case, you can not look at the goods in advance, so it is worth ordering only in proven places so as not to become a victim of scammers.

Where to buy dried ginger?

Sometimes you can find dried ginger lobules - but this is a very rare product. It is much easier to cook at home, finely chopping the root and drying it in a slightly opened oven at 50 degrees for 2 hours. Then the fire is reduced by half, and the ginger is dried until cooked. In this form it is stored only 7-10 days, but it is more convenient to take it with you (for example, for work or for a trip).

To get home spice, just dried ginger to grind in a blender. However, you can get ginger powder even without such many hours of work - just go to any store where there is a department with spices and seasonings, and select a bag with the inscription "Ginger Ground". So you greatly simplify your task.

Where to buy ginger for weight loss?

Some people do not understand the issue to the end, they think that you can buy ginger for weight loss only at specialized points or online stores, because this requires a special kind of variety, not that special preparation. In fact, to reduce weight, you can use the most common ginger , bought in a supermarket or in the market.

More effective is fresh ginger, but you can always use both dried and ground. Try this auxiliary method of losing weight, like taking ginger, you can quite easily, and, moreover, without serious financial investment.

If we talk about special products for weight loss with ginger, then most often it's green coffee with ginger or various ginger teas, which can easily be purchased at online stores:

  1. your-diet.ru
  2. greencofe.ru
  3. slimcoffe.com
  4. coffeehot.com.ua
  5. black-green.ru