Unexpected news: Mike Tyson goes to Russia, where he was already named ... Professor

Very soon, Russian fans of the world-famous boxer Mike Tyson will be able to see him live in the capital. The Boxer was invited as one of the speakers for the upcoming business event "SYNERGY GLOBAL FORUM".

In order to raise the status of "guest star", Mr. Tyson was named professor at the business school "Synergy". Why not? After all, the bodybuilder Schwarzenegger also coped with the post of governor of the state of California. So why, for example, does boxer Tyson not teach aggressive marketing at a business school?

Comments from the organizers

Before questions were voiced about the choice of the speaker of the business school, its organizers hastened to comment on this:

"We decided to award Mr. Tyson the title of professor, because he devotes much time to the activities of the lecturer. Recently, the former boxer travels around the world a lot and reads tremendous motivational seminars. The main theme is, of course, work with fighting qualities. After all, these properties of character are most important in the business sphere. "

Organizers noted that, despite the fact that boxers often get head injuries, this does not mean that they can not be interesting speakers.

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Of course, Tyson's lectures are far from fundamental science, but many entrepreneurs listen with interest to them. If someone doubts the teaching level of Mike Tyson, then you can try to tell him in person. Fortunately, the boxer will soon be in Moscow.